Forums - Give me a team and ill tell you the team that beats it... Show all 360 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Give me a team and ill tell you the team that beats it... ( Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 03:09 AM: Give me a team and ill tell you the team that beats it... Just tell me a team that you are having trouble with in mvc2 and ill give you the team that beats it... Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:15:2001 03:22 AM: Iron Man/Blackheart/Cyclops Mag/Storm/Cyclops or Psylocke Mag/Storm/Sent Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 05:15:2001 04:08 AM: Im having trouble with Strider Doom Captain Comando or Cable Thanks for help Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 07:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by REALPLAYER Iron Man/Blackheart/Cyclops Mag/Storm/Cyclops or Psylocke Mag/Storm/Sent It seems as if this team is rushing you down so what id say is play either Sentinal/BH/commando this is the ultimate rushdown stopper its has the close range anti air for magnetos rush down and the tracking assist for the runaway storm.And not to mention the sentinal trap wich keeps you in check... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 07:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry Im having trouble with Strider Doom Captain Comando or Cable Thanks for help You will need cyke to stop the doom trap so a good team to use would be storm/cable/cyke because you can run away from the trao with storm and if he gets close just throw out cyke to push em away and you also have cable wich will take care of doom so he doesnt fly and do proton arrays... Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:15:2001 08:12 PM: Storm-projecticle Ken-aaa Sentinel-gamma LOL!!! This team is unbeatable. No one can take them down. Try it and see. Cable dies to Storm. Fact no opinion! Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 08:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL Storm-projecticle Ken-aaa Sentinel-gamma LOL!!! This team is unbeatable. No one can take them down. Try it and see. Cable dies to Storm. Fact no opinion! For storm just pick commando as your anti air so you can get her down. For ken well I dont know what ken can do so just pick cable he will solve the unknown. And for sentinal you will definately need cable to beat sentinal. So for the team it would look something like BH for stopping storm from running(infernoDHheart of darkness)then cable to beat sentinal(ahvb)and commando the best for getting storm down... Posted by n817azn on 05:15:2001 09:11 PM: Cable/sent/doom-thanx n8 Posted by AZER on 05:15:2001 09:26 PM: Sentinel/Cable/Blackheart and Sprial/Cable/Sentinel Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 10:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn Cable/sent/doom-thanx n8 Since they have no anti air pick storm you can run away an work up five meters. To get rid of cable your gona have to most likely use the doom assist to chip him since all your gonna be doing with storm is running and throwing the doom assist.But when you do use his assist make sure you cover your ass by either dashing in after dooms amost out or fly away and throw tornadoes... For sential use doom and do the doom BH trap he really has a hard time getting out of it... So the finished team is stotm/Doom/BH...Hope it works for you... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 10:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by AZER Sentinel/Cable/Blackheart and Sprial/Cable/Sentinel I actually play sent/cable/BH alot and belive it or not the team that beats it most is this team in this order Cable/Magneto/cammy... I use that team to beat sent/cable/BH because If sentinal tryies to do anything you AHVB him.And cable without a fast anti air is easy to beat with magneto.Cammy is there because she seems to beat out all the other AAs before they get a chance to even come out.Hope it helps you... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 10:38 PM: And for spiral/cable/sent this team is in my opinion beat by Magneto/storm/commando because magneto can rush down spiral and if she gets you in the trap use storms projectile assist because it goes threw the swords.And the commando assist hits the sentinal drones away.and if they bring out cable just safe tag into storm and run because it has no AA... Posted by StriderDude on 05:15:2001 11:34 PM: Sent-y/commando-aaa/cabl-aaa Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 11:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by StriderDude Sent-y/commando-aaa/cabl-aaa If its in this order wich I think thats what your talking about(sent/cabl/commando.Well first of all they are most likely going to play sentinal rush down so your going to need a good AA like cyke and someone to keep sentinal in check so try this team Doom/BH/cyke just be care ful playing BH against cable so when you usually go in the air and do 2 round houses just do one to be safe... Posted by KrazziVi3tBoi on 05:15:2001 11:50 PM: cable/iceman/capcom and BH/sentinal/cable Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 11:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by KrazziVi3tBoi cable/iceman/capcom and BH/sentinal/cable For the first team play sentinal to chip icey storm yo run from cable because cyke does not get her in the air and commando for your AA to stop icey from jumping ansd doing icebeams... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:15:2001 11:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by KrazziVi3tBoi cable/iceman/capcom and BH/sentinal/cable I posted how to beat sentinal/cable/Bh earlyer in the thread.Check it out... Posted by Wind on 05:16:2001 01:26 AM: Doom/Sent/BH Spiral/Sent/BH Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:16:2001 01:35 AM: Are you sure a magneto based team takes out a spiral team? Even duc admitted to this being a difficult match in favour of the six armed one... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:16:2001 01:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan Are you sure a magneto based team takes out a spiral team? Even duc admitted to this being a difficult match in favour of the six armed one... But the storm assist knocks away the swords ,I wish I could discuss it with DUC... Posted by Azazel973 on 05:16:2001 01:40 AM: how about cable/morrigan/iron man... i usually use cable/psylocke/iron man against that time but it seems like the projectile bastard pins me down. i was also thinking of using cammy/doom/strider Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:16:2001 01:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Wind Doom/Sent/BH Spiral/Sent/BH For doom/sent/Bh you could play spiral because she can teliport above his head and hit him when trying to do proton shots.Cable to beat sentinal and as your assist Bh so you can trap them as spiral and do the cable BH trap(Hitting the fierce and the BH assist at the samme time five times then grenade repeat).Hope it works.And for the second team Spiral/sent/BH you could play Sentinal/cable/commando.sentinal because his fierce goes threw spirals swords and he can trap.Cable to beat sentinal no nead to explane why(AHVB)and commando because he is a relly fast anti air that can blow away BH before he gets out if up close...Hope it works for you... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:16:2001 02:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Azazel973 how about cable/morrigan/iron man... i usually use cable/psylocke/iron man against that time but it seems like the projectile bastard pins me down. i was also thinking of using cammy/doom/strider This will be hard but but try this one storm/sentinal/commando i know it sound cheesy compared to that team but ya gota do what you gota do.Use storm to run away from cable he cant hit you without a good AA like commando.sentinal because he beats anyone besides cable so do sentinal/commando rush down(jump shrt,rounhouse flight shrt then roundhouse and commando assist at the same time then cancel the flight and then repeat.And IM will get taken out with sentinal as well so you dont have to worry about him much... Posted by Wind on 05:16:2001 02:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH For doom/sent/Bh you could play spiral because she can teliport above his head and hit him when trying to do proton shots.Cable to beat sentinal and as your assist Bh so you can trap them as spiral and do the cable BH trap(Hitting the fierce and the BH assist at the samme time five times then grenade repeat).Hope it works.And for the second team Spiral/sent/BH you could play Sentinal/cable/commando.sentinal because his fierce goes threw spirals swords and he can trap.Cable to beat sentinal no nead to explane why(AHVB)and commando because he is a relly fast anti air that can blow away BH before he gets out if up close...Hope it works for you... Alright, I'll try that out, thanks! Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:16:2001 02:02 AM: No prob bro... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:16:2001 03:04 AM: Dhalsim/Cable/Capcom actually, this is one of my teams, and I was looking for potential weaknesses... -DFA Posted by JaHa on 05:16:2001 03:18 AM: hey brazilion BH do you play in ny often?? i know its like 2 hours away though from MD Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:16:2001 03:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa hey brazilion BH do you play in ny often?? i know its like 2 hours away though from MD No but I know Grenn trench and i plan to play in chinatown soon.Ive played arturo and justin.But I usually play in my hometown or philly... Posted by JaHa on 05:16:2001 03:48 AM: and your kinda unclear on your cable capcom tactics its a tough fight for anyone i think Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:16:2001 03:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Dhalsim/Cable/Capcom actually, this is one of my teams, and I was looking for potential weaknesses... -DFA Ok one of the things that you should do is watch out for sentinal hell kill Dahl like in the nun white vid so be careful and besides that you really dont have to worry because cable commando is almost perfect its hard to rush down so just woatch out for storm doom that seems to beet cable because she can cover for dooms assist by flying to the top and trhowing tornadoes...Thats all I can think of... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:16:2001 03:51 AM: Storm/Doom or Mags/Doom beats Cable/Capcom. Well, at least it SHOULD. You could accidentally fall into AHVBx and die, so it's never a certainty against Cable teams. -DFA Posted by Mulliggan on 05:16:2001 03:52 AM: Who would u pick to beat spiral/sent/capcom?? since spiral keeps you away and if u do get close cap clears some room for spiral Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:16:2001 03:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mulliggan Who would u pick to beat spiral/sent/capcom?? since spiral keeps you away and if u do get close cap clears some room for spiral You may almost have to mirror match it like a team such as spiral/storm projectile because it gets rid of the swords and cyke because they are going to rush you down with sentinal and cyke stops him and makes it easy to combo him>>>Hope I help you... Posted by JaHa on 05:16:2001 06:49 AM: a nasty Mag rushdown team has a big advantage on spiral sent BH theres no anti air ..and a good enuff mag team can eat them up..jus stay out of the trap..but if your rushing down like your supposed to it wont happen...and mag is fast enuff to airdash through BH assist this is my concept cuz spiral vs spiral is such a boring fight almost as bad a cable vs cable Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:16:2001 05:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH For storm just pick commando as your anti air so you can get her down. For ken well I dont know what ken can do so just pick cable he will solve the unknown. And for sentinal you will definately need cable to beat sentinal. So for the team it would look something like BH for stopping storm from running(infernoDHheart of darkness)then cable to beat sentinal(ahvb)and commando the best for getting storm down... U know understand my friend if they pick Bh assist I rushdown Cable with Storm. Commando hahahahahaha, Cable would have to go under me, I use flight than send Ken aaa. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Find another way. If they pick Commando assist or Bh assist I wave dash back and forth tricking them and then doing a combo. Storm is god! Hahahahahaha. Ken will work as an assist. 3 combos and a character is dead hahahahaha. Blackheart has no fighting ability get close and he dies. Hahahaha. My team is unbeatable. I've foughten that team and even though Storm ate guard break ahvbx3 Ken killed his itty bitty Cable and got killed by Storm and Sentinel killed both his Storm and Bh. Hahahaha. It's UNSTOPPABLE! Try it in the arcade and see for yourself! Posted by magneto_x on 05:16:2001 05:06 PM: man/stowm/blackheart 2.blackheart/stowm/doctor doom 3.cable/captain commando/cyclops Posted by magneto_x on 05:16:2001 05:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by Wind Alright, I'll try that out, thanks! hey where you got that pic from below your name Posted by JaHa on 05:16:2001 05:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL U know understand my friend if they pick Bh assist I rushdown Cable with Storm. Commando hahahahahaha, Cable would have to go under me, I use flight than send Ken aaa. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Find another way. If they pick Commando assist or Bh assist I wave dash back and forth tricking them and then doing a combo. Storm is god! Hahahahahaha. Ken will work as an assist. 3 combos and a character is dead hahahahaha. Blackheart has no fighting ability get close and he dies. Hahahaha. My team is unbeatable. I've foughten that team and even though Storm ate guard break ahvbx3 Ken killed his itty bitty Cable and got killed by Storm and Sentinel killed both his Storm and Bh. Hahahaha. It's UNSTOPPABLE! Try it in the arcade and see for yourself! your team doesnt sound unstoppable..and BH does have fightin ability..where do u play at..i cant be kali cuz your reply is too arrogant Posted by vipersword on 05:16:2001 10:20 PM: hey BH mind if i help a lil? Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:16:2001 10:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa your team doesnt sound unstoppable..and BH does have fightin ability..where do u play at..i cant be kali cuz your reply is too arrogant nope bh can only poke and throw Rh demons, that's pretty lame though since then he'll have to sj. and since playing keepaway against him is easy as pie he can't actually do shit. Nope I'm from Puerto Rico and I'm #2 in my area. Try it out JaHa and see. It's a mix of Duc Do and Viscant's team. Duc used Sentinel and killed Storm, Storm jumped up throwing hurricanes. Doom had ken aaa and got killed by Sentinel a real cool vid on the media section get it. Posted by Hoe Muffin on 05:16:2001 11:07 PM: Team Avengers: Hulk, Ironman, Captain America. BOW DOWN! . Posted by mixup on 05:17:2001 12:52 AM: my question to you is, do you think that its possible to beat bh, capt, doom with mags,storm,and cyclops,(I just dont like to play anything but rushdown)??? Posted by 707Represent on 05:17:2001 01:04 AM: Ironman, cable, Bh , connect the infinite off cable AAA, jump around w/ cable and use bh AAA.........weaknesses ? Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 01:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by magneto_x man/stowm/blackheart 2.blackheart/stowm/doctor doom 3.cable/captain commando/cyclops For the firrst team Id pick sentinal/BH/commando because sentinal can chip icey to death and the BH/commando will stop storm from running by catching her on a fierce and doing cylinder heart of darkness... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 01:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by magneto_x man/stowm/blackheart 2.blackheart/stowm/doctor doom 3.cable/captain commando/cyclops For BH/storm/doom id most likely use Magneto/BH/cyclops Magneto because BH with out a AA is easy to rush down.and BH/cyke to stop storm from rushing and chipping with the doom assist...And Cable/commando/cyke is a hard team to beat I havent played it much but if I did id play Spiral/Sentinal/BH because you can just run with the team alday and that team of cable/capcom/cyke is probobly ment to stop rush down...Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 01:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup my question to you is, do you think that its possible to beat bh, capt, doom with mags,storm,and cyclops,(I just dont like to play anything but rushdown)??? Yes it wouldnt be that hard to beat that team with BH/doom/commando because the commando AA stops the rushdown and BH stops the run away with storm and cyke cant touch BH... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 01:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by 707Represent Ironman, cable, Bh , connect the infinite off cable AAA, jump around w/ cable and use bh AAA.........weaknesses ? The weakness with this team is once you kill IM cable is food for the rush down with out a fast AA so thats pretty much all youve got to worry about so insted of playing BH play commando or cyke or even better for IM psiloke... Posted by taiji on 05:17:2001 02:27 AM: Hey BrazilionBH, as of right now, one of my favourite teams to use is Ironman/Mag/Cable. I use ironman as a battery and do his infin either from cables AAA or by using the jap. method. With mag, I t-jump etc.. you know,the usual mag stuff, same w/ cable (ahvb whenever they wiff etc.. ). Thanks for the help Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:17:2001 02:40 AM: Im havin trouble beating this horrendesly cheap team i so need you help kobun Beta/dhalsim aaa/m bision gamma please help me i try but this team is just to good.. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 02:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by taiji Hey BrazilionBH, as of right now, one of my favourite teams to use is Ironman/Mag/Cable. I use ironman as a battery and do his infin either from cables AAA or by using the jap. method. With mag, I t-jump etc.. you know,the usual mag stuff, same w/ cable (ahvb whenever they wiff etc.. ). Thanks for the help No problem... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 02:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Im havin trouble beating this horrendesly cheap team i so need you help kobun Beta/dhalsim aaa/m bision gamma please help me i try but this team is just to good.. This team is great(sarcasim)you might try this team chode/grundle/dirty sanchez..I hope I helped... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:17:2001 02:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH This team is great(sarcasim)you might try this team chode/grundle/dirty sanchez..I hope I helped... i dont know..chodes anti air assist is not that great and dirty sanchez's isnt as strong as bision but he does have a good air combo (dirty sanchez) but ill try that counter team. could you help me to beat the team of roll (flower assist),shuma gorath (gamma assist),sentinal(launcher type) help me man your the best Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 03:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement i dont know..chodes anti air assist is not that great and dirty sanchez's isnt as strong as bision but he does have a good air combo (dirty sanchez) but ill try that counter team. could you help me to beat the team of roll (flower assist),shuma gorath (gamma assist),sentinal(launcher type) help me man your the best I cant help you much all I can say is thats a good ass team and noone can beat it(sarcasim)...CHODE!!! Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:17:2001 03:05 AM: What about the team of huge aaa/ass aaa/ cock gamma that team is the shit man or the team of fuk aaa /a gamma /fat chode aaa thers a nother good team i know there good but do your best to help me peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 03:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement What about the team of huge aaa/ass aaa/ cock gamma that team is the shit man or the team of fuk aaa /a gamma /fat chode aaa thers a nother good team i know there good but do your best to help me peace Once again I cant help you... Posted by granite on 05:17:2001 03:14 AM: bh/sentinel/capcom or cammy or cyke cable/doom/capcom I usually use mag/storm/AAA and capcom is such a bitch for mags to deal with, when I'm lucky I snapback capcom and eliminate that threat, but my opponents are much more careful these days and with capcom intact my matches are very difficult to win. ugh and bh/sent/capcom is the ultimate pain for me, i had the best luck using spiral/cable/sent, but its still difficult. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 03:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by granite bh/sentinel/capcom or cammy or cyke cable/doom/capcom I usually use mag/storm/AAA and capcom is such a bitch for mags to deal with, when I'm lucky I snapback capcom and eliminate that threat, but my opponents are much more careful these days and with capcom intact my matches are very difficult to win. ugh and bh/sent/capcom is the ultimate pain for me, i had the best luck using spiral/cable/sent, but its still difficult. Sent/BH/capcom is In my opinion one of the sest and your best bet to beat it is probobly Cable/Doom/BH because cable will take care of sentinal and the doom/BH trap gives BH a problem since he likes to super jump alot... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 03:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by granite bh/sentinel/capcom or cammy or cyke cable/doom/capcom I usually use mag/storm/AAA and capcom is such a bitch for mags to deal with, when I'm lucky I snapback capcom and eliminate that threat, but my opponents are much more careful these days and with capcom intact my matches are very difficult to win. ugh and bh/sent/capcom is the ultimate pain for me, i had the best luck using spiral/cable/sent, but its still difficult. For cable/doom/capcom you may try using this team spiral/cable/seantinal because spiral will keep cable in place and for doom if he tryies to do the trap use cables AA it knocks him down...I hope i helped... Posted by supastar911 on 05:17:2001 03:33 AM: Guile/Iceman/Capcom. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 03:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by supastar911 Guile/Iceman/Capcom. I ve never heard this team but a good counter team would be Doom/sentinal/BH use the doom/BH trap on guile because hes not that good of a character and its hard for himm to move out of it.Use sentinal to chip ice man with his trap this makes capcom use less because you are to far away for him to hit you.Hope I helped... Posted by mikef on 05:17:2001 06:20 AM: beat capcom/sent/bh? or cablecammy/storm? Posted by zeiram on 05:17:2001 12:23 PM: CvS: Ken, Guile? Posted by cheese_master on 05:17:2001 03:09 PM: Here is a mix and match team I came up with that causes a lot people probs... Magneto, Sentinel, CapCom. So what is the counter squad for that... so I know what to look out for. And IMO Cable, Doom, CapCom work better as a counter against Sent, BH, CapCom than Cable, Doom, BH. I say this because... Cable, Doom, BH does not really have any quick knock away AAA other than Cable... this means Sentinel is gonna a field day for stomping and flying... if you have CapCom... Sent has to be caution even when he is flying just above Cable. Plus Doom/CapCom works better than Doom/BH. Posted by mixup on 05:17:2001 03:35 PM: I appreciate you letting me know that fight is nigh impossible (MY mags, Storm,CYC VS. BH, CAPT,DOOM) do you have any advice on actually getting near them? I think if storm leads w/ rushdown just maybe that'd work better. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:17:2001 08:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by cheese_master Here is a mix and match team I came up with that causes a lot people probs... Magneto, Sentinel, CapCom. So what is the counter squad for that... so I know what to look out for. And IMO Cable, Doom, CapCom work better as a counter against Sent, BH, CapCom than Cable, Doom, BH. I say this because... Cable, Doom, BH does not really have any quick knock away AAA other than Cable... this means Sentinel is gonna a field day for stomping and flying... if you have CapCom... Sent has to be caution even when he is flying just above Cable. Plus Doom/CapCom works better than Doom/BH. To beat magneto/sentinal/capcom Id use sentinal/cable/capcom because sentinal/capcom stops the mag rushdown and cable beats sentinal...And I dont think that doom capcom is better than doom bh even thought I use doom/capcom the doom/BH trap is so hard to break unless your a fast character or a character with a teleport... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:18:2001 12:03 AM: Any thing else?... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:18:2001 03:31 AM: OK... Posted by supastar911 on 05:18:2001 03:36 AM: Do u know how to start the Ironman Infinite off of CyclopsAAA? I figured u might know since u use them. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:18:2001 03:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by supastar911 Do u know how to start the Ironman Infinite off of CyclopsAAA? I figured u might know since u use them. Short(and cyke)strong super jump down fierce airdash down diagonal jab up fierce then jump and start the infinite... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:18:2001 04:04 AM: Dhalsim/Cable-b/Storm-a Dhalsim plays poking games with Storm-A, meaning the poking can't be easily punished. Once he gets up to 4 levels... Cable is there for counter XX AHVB3, usually to kill a BH or Capcom, so then...Storm or Dhalsim can run away with the lead. Solid gameplan...Dhalsim is hard to rush down in the opening, even w/ subpar AAA. Find me a weakness, if you please...and remember that the order of the team can be changed to compensate for some matchups. -DFA Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:18:2001 04:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Dhalsim/Cable-b/Storm-a Dhalsim plays poking games with Storm-A, meaning the poking can't be easily punished. Once he gets up to 4 levels... Cable is there for counter XX AHVB3, usually to kill a BH or Capcom, so then...Storm or Dhalsim can run away with the lead. Solid gameplan...Dhalsim is hard to rush down in the opening, even w/ subpar AAA. Find me a weakness, if you please...and remember that the order of the team can be changed to compensate for some matchups. -DFA Just hit the Punjabi bastard once and hes dead... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:18:2001 05:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Just hit the Punjabi bastard once and hes dead..., is that basically the same thing as "rush that shit down" or "just AHVB that shit." No character suggestions? Awww...I got gyped on this answer. -DFA Posted by Dilated Hadashi on 05:18:2001 06:01 AM: psylocke - AAA iceman - projectile capcom - AAA actually this is the team I have been using lately and have been damn succesful...just some thoughts Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:20:2001 09:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove, is that basically the same thing as "rush that shit down" or "just AHVB that shit." No character suggestions? Awww...I got gyped on this answer. -DFA Well theres pretty much not much you can do for tapping besides trapping them so just use spiral/sentinal/commando...That should work... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:20:2001 09:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dilated Hadashi psylocke - AAA iceman - projectile capcom - AAA actually this is the team I have been using lately and have been damn succesful...just some thoughts Something you need to watch out for with that team is psyloke getting hit because if she does she will lose alot of life and it seems that that team revolves around her... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:21:2001 01:56 AM: Is that it?... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:21:2001 03:42 AM: I like this thread. I don't always agree w/ you, but I like this thread. One thing I have noticed is that you haven't recommended a rushdown team to ANYONE (yet?). So here's my question to you: What tourney caliber teams do you say would lose to rushdown? (Mags/Storm/Psy is the most popular, so go with that one if you need a specific team) -DFA Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:21:2001 07:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove I like this thread. I don't always agree w/ you, but I like this thread. One thing I have noticed is that you haven't recommended a rushdown team to ANYONE (yet?). So here's my question to you: What tourney caliber teams do you say would lose to rushdown? (Mags/Storm/Psy is the most popular, so go with that one if you need a specific team) -DFA A team that loses to rush down is spiral/cable/sentinal becase it has no AA unless you want to use cable but the team is based around him and you dont want him to get killed...And its hard for doom/BH to deal with rushdown as well... Posted by TimeFlip on 05:21:2001 10:42 PM: I've kinda quit playing Doom(AAA)/Cable(AAA)/BH(AAA), so tell me what you think of OR(AAA)/Sent(Ground)/Doom(AAA). And is it a good team overall? Posted by jlepore on 05:22:2001 02:29 AM: What do you think about doom/cable/capcom? Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I've kinda quit playing Doom(AAA)/Cable(AAA)/BH(AAA), so tell me what you think of OR(AAA)/Sent(Ground)/Doom(AAA). And is it a good team overall? Its ok but omega isnt that good unless he has psilock I would lose omega and replace him with cable or spiral now that makes for a good team... Posted by TimeFlip on 05:22:2001 03:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Its ok but omega isnt that good unless he has psilock I would lose omega and replace him with cable or spiral now that makes for a good team... Is the only reason you put in Psy is for Omega Red infinite? Or for something else? Please explain. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by jlepore What do you think about doom/cable/capcom? Its a good team but I dont see how doom capcom is anygood I use that team but I dont use the doom/capaom trap because I dont know hjow to do it but all i all its a good team.I would use it in a differnt order like cable/doom/capcom... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:22:2001 03:42 AM: Hey jeff explain to me how you handle these two teams (even though i am beyond really needing your advice ) 1)Sent/cable/capcom 2)sent/cable/BH 3)doom/cable/capcom or Bh peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Is the only reason you put in Psy is for Omega Red infinite? Or for something else? Please explain. I usually dont use him at all but I know that most people use her as the assist for his damaging air combo psilok d.shrt,strng jump jab,shrt,strng,shrt,strong,qcf two punches... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:22:2001 03:46 AM: People use psylock with omega Red because its easyer to set up his damaging Air combos because its a little difficult to hit people with OmegaReds launchers considering its standing strong well im glad to help peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Hey jeff explain to me how you handle these two teams (even though i am beyond really needing your advice ) 1)Sent/cable/capcom 2)sent/cable/BH 3)doom/cable/capcom or Bh peace For sentinal cable capcom I would use spiral/BH/cyke I d use spiral to keep the sentinal away and BH to run from cable... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:22:2001 03:50 AM: Counter teams and/or counter strategies for: BH/Cable/Dhalsim Storm/Rogue/Doom Ruby Heart/Doom/Capcom Iron Man/Rogue/Psylocke BH/Cyclops/Sakura Spiral/Sentinel/Ken Some unconventional teams that I think are pretty good. -DFA Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement People use psylock with omega Red because its easyer to set up his damaging Air combos because its a little difficult to hit people with OmegaReds launchers considering its standing strong well im glad to help peace I sed that... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Counter teams and/or counter strategies for: BH/Cable/Dhalsim Storm/Rogue/Doom Ruby Heart/Doom/Capcom Iron Man/Rogue/Psylocke BH/Cyclops/Sakura Spiral/Sentinel/Ken Some unconventional teams that I think are pretty good. -DFA give them to me one at a time so I dont have to type so much Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Hey jeff explain to me how you handle these two teams (even though i am beyond really needing your advice ) 1)Sent/cable/capcom 2)sent/cable/BH 3)doom/cable/capcom or Bh peace For sentinal/cable/BH Id use the same team as sentinal/cable/capcom... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:22:2001 03:58 AM: hmm well to tell you the truth i think that spiral/bh/cyke wouldnt work sentinal can beat sprial and if you try to run away with bh all cable has to do is get close and call out Capcom because i know how you use bh and if I have BH then he brings another bh down and if i saw you using sprial i would bring out cable first and he also can beat spiral so reexplain your methods peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Hey jeff explain to me how you handle these two teams (even though i am beyond really needing your advice ) 1)Sent/cable/capcom 2)sent/cable/BH 3)doom/cable/capcom or Bh peace For doom cable capcom I sed that team earlyer in the thread and none is beyond my advice... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:22:2001 04:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH I sed that... no i gave him a more pacific reasion not just a generlization like yours peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 04:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement no i gave him a more pacific reasion not just a generlization like yours peace How is it genral I told him the combo and how psiloke applies to it Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:22:2001 04:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH For sentinal cable capcom I would use spiral/BH/cyke I d use spiral to keep the sentinal away and BH to run from cable... NOT good advise. Spiral w/ cyke assist is mediocre. Spiral with BH assist is only decent. Cyke w/ Spiral sucks, and Cyke w/ BH isn't very good either. BH w/ Spiral is mediocre. The only viable tandem here is BH w/ Cyke. Now, having said that, BH/Cyke is good, but not against Cable. BH dies to Cable, and especially to Cable/Capcom. Sentinel/Capcom has an advantage on this team, too. The very best BH can achieve is stalemate, and he has extreme difficulty even doing this. Also, Spiral's battery ability is completely wasted on a BH/Cyke team, since they require no meter to be effective. No offense intended, but this is just a poorly formed team from every perspective. Worse yet, it doesn't even counter Sent/Cable/Capcom. A Strider/Doom team should annihilate Sent/Cable/Capcom. Rushdown w/ Psylocke assist should be effective, as well. -DFA PS. Sorry to post more than 1 team. It just seemed like it was slow in here. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 04:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove NOT good advise. Spiral w/ cyke assist is mediocre. Spiral with BH assist is only decent. Cyke w/ Spiral sucks, and Cyke w/ BH isn't very good either. BH w/ Spiral is mediocre. The only viable tandem here is BH w/ Cyke. Now, having said that, BH/Cyke is good, but not against Cable. BH dies to Cable, and especially to Cable/Capcom. Sentinel/Capcom has an advantage on this team, too. The very best BH can achieve is stalemate, and he has extreme difficulty even doing this. Also, Spiral's battery ability is completely wasted on a BH/Cyke team, since they require no meter to be effective. No offense intended, but this is just a poorly formed team from every perspective. Worse yet, it doesn't even counter Sent/Cable/Capcom. A Strider/Doom team should annihilate Sent/Cable/Capcom. Rushdown w/ Psylocke assist should be effective, as well. -DFA I sd spiral/sentinal/cyke I use the sentinal drones for spiral not cyke... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:22:2001 04:12 AM: Well I told him the reasion for using psylock and hes an omega player so he should already know his combos and me reasion explained why not just use omegas normal launcher so peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 04:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove NOT good advise. Spiral w/ cyke assist is mediocre. Spiral with BH assist is only decent. Cyke w/ Spiral sucks, and Cyke w/ BH isn't very good either. BH w/ Spiral is mediocre. The only viable tandem here is BH w/ Cyke. Now, having said that, BH/Cyke is good, but not against Cable. BH dies to Cable, and especially to Cable/Capcom. Sentinel/Capcom has an advantage on this team, too. The very best BH can achieve is stalemate, and he has extreme difficulty even doing this. Also, Spiral's battery ability is completely wasted on a BH/Cyke team, since they require no meter to be effective. No offense intended, but this is just a poorly formed team from every perspective. Worse yet, it doesn't even counter Sent/Cable/Capcom. A Strider/Doom team should annihilate Sent/Cable/Capcom. Rushdown w/ Psylocke assist should be effective, as well. -DFA and cable can be beat by BH/cyke if you are careful... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 04:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by **?#$!+** WHATS THE COUNTER AGAIN? Its like you could either play spiral/snetinal/capcom spiral because she can trap follow doom when he trys to trap yuo by teleporting.And its har dfor cable to deal with sentinal/commando rushdown... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:22:2001 04:21 AM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by DeathFromAbove [B]NOT good advise. Spiral w/ cyke assist is mediocre. Spiral with BH assist is only decent. Cyke w/ Spiral sucks, and Cyke w/ BH isn't very good either. BH w/ Spiral is mediocre. The only viable tandem here is BH w/ Cyke. Now, having said that, BH/Cyke is good, but not against Cable. BH dies to Cable, and especially to Cable/Capcom. Sentinel/Capcom has an advantage on this team, too. The very best BH can achieve is stalemate, and he has extreme difficulty even doing this. Also, Spiral's battery ability is completely wasted on a BH/Cyke team, since they require no meter to be effective. No offense intended, but this is just a poorly formed team from every perspective. Worse yet, it doesn't even counter Sent/Cable/Capcom. A Strider/Doom team should annihilate Sent/Cable/Capcom. Rushdown w/ Psylocke assist should be effective, as well. -DFA I think your completely miss lead if you beleave that BH/cyke cant beat cable, Cable cant take that kinda rush down he gets killed with out even catching his breath , and strider/doom is good but the whole point of having Capcom on the team of Cable/sentinal/capcom ts to stop strider/doom traps he knocks the hell out of strider and if he gets his hands on doom he will knok him right off the screen,I think you are not wrong only misled into false belifes oh yea strider needs to go eat his weatys so when he gets hit he doesnt die peace Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:22:2001 04:24 AM: In response to this: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH I sd spiral/sentinal/cyke I use the sentinal drones for spiral not cyke... I will simply quote this: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH For sentinal cable capcom I would use spiral/BH/cyke I d use spiral to keep the sentinal away and BH to run from cable... And BH/Cyke should never, EVER beat Cable/Capcom unless one player is a master, and the other is a rank newbie. It's seriously one of the weakest matchups it has in the game. -DFA Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:22:2001 04:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement I think your completely miss lead if you beleave that BH/cyke cant beat cable, Cable cant take that kinda rush down he gets killed with out even catching his breath , and strider/doom is good but the whole point of having Capcom on the team of Cable/sentinal/capcom ts to stop strider/doom traps he knocks the hell out of strider and if he gets his hands on doom he will knok him right off the screen,I think you are not wrong only misled into false belifes oh yea strider needs to go eat his weatys so when he gets hit he doesnt die peace I'm not trying to be argumentative, but.... BH/Cyke vs. Cable (alone) is winnable. Cable/Capcom just completely rapes it, though. Capcom prevents BH from starting the trap from the air entirely. Jump back Fierce + Capcom prevents him from starting it on the ground. There are only 2 things that BH can do at all that will even reach Cable: Inferno, and jumpback + Cyke. Inferno is highly punishable by Cable, regardless of any supers he hypercancels into. Jumpback + Cyke makes Cable block, but puts BH in a position in which he cannot start the trap. He can airdash forward, and poke, but Cyke is not callable in time to start trapping. Anything else he does just gets Cyke Capcom-assisted, which BH cannot respond to, even from SJ height. There's no hope w/o a major error by Cable. Obviously, BH infinite means that anything is possible, but BH/Cyke has a serious disadvantage in this match. Once Cable gets 3 levels, someone is going to die. Also, you are incorrect about Capcom stopping Strider/Doom. Orbs stuff Capcom, and so does Doom assist. Capcom doesn't hit Strider as he comes out of his teleport, either. You better hope Strider screws up, cause that's the only chance in the world that you get. (Fortunately, it's a pretty darn good chance) -DFA Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:22:2001 03:19 PM: Whatever... Posted by TimeFlip on 05:22:2001 05:03 PM: I usually play keepaway though. I do use his air combo, just not as often. His Omega Strike is really fast too. Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:22:2001 05:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove I'm not trying to be argumentative, but.... BH/Cyke vs. Cable (alone) is winnable. Cable/Capcom just completely rapes it, though. Capcom prevents BH from starting the trap from the air entirely. Jump back Fierce + Capcom prevents him from starting it on the ground. There are only 2 things that BH can do at all that will even reach Cable: Inferno, and jumpback + Cyke. Inferno is highly punishable by Cable, regardless of any supers he hypercancels into. Jumpback + Cyke makes Cable block, but puts BH in a position in which he cannot start the trap. He can airdash forward, and poke, but Cyke is not callable in time to start trapping. Anything else he does just gets Cyke Capcom-assisted, which BH cannot respond to, even from SJ height. There's no hope w/o a major error by Cable. Obviously, BH infinite means that anything is possible, but BH/Cyke has a serious disadvantage in this match. Once Cable gets 3 levels, someone is going to die. Also, you are incorrect about Capcom stopping Strider/Doom. Orbs stuff Capcom, and so does Doom assist. Capcom doesn't hit Strider as he comes out of his teleport, either. You better hope Strider screws up, cause that's the only chance in the world that you get. (Fortunately, it's a pretty darn good chance) -DFA Well when Im facing a cable/capcom team and im using BH/cyke I usally just Try and aviod cable whle throwing the deamons at him and when capcom comes out there is a period right after hes done where i have a choice: 1)rush Cable down real fast attempting to start the infinate or just try and get an Inferno/HOD super combo in 2)punish capcom with a cyke/inferno/HOD combo Well when I play BH/Cyke I normally have cable on the team and if im playing some one I consider "Good" then I'll just send out cable first and play mad keep away using the BH&Cyke assist to my avantage peace oh yea and not to say what you stated is wrong but iv seen capcom knock away doom one to mant times and your strider doom better be flawless beacauce when you step up to the plate against heavy hitters like cable and sentinal strider just cant afford to get hit Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:23:2001 01:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I usually play keepaway though. I do use his air combo, just not as often. His Omega Strike is really fast too. Yeah you can play keep away with OR/doom just dont do it against cable... Posted by strider_hien on 05:23:2001 02:00 AM: my team is Doom- aaa/cable- aaa/storm-projectile it's not in any order, i usually play the order as Cable/Storm/Doom <---- against computer Doom/Storm/Cable <---- against humans what's the weakness of my team? How do I fix it, and is there a character i can substitute in, that will make my team better? just 1 character, i'm not gonna replace my whole team. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:23:2001 02:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien my team is Doom- aaa/cable- aaa/storm-projectile it's not in any order, i usually play the order as Cable/Storm/Doom <---- against computer Doom/Storm/Cable <---- against humans what's the weakness of my team? How do I fix it, and is there a character i can substitute in, that will make my team better? just 1 character, i'm not gonna replace my whole team. Its lacking a good anti air to fend off rushdown.And if you were to sub for a character it would be put capcom for doom and put it in this order storm/cable/capcom I use this team for people who use the doom assist so I can just fly away and throw tonnadoes...Hope I helped... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:23:2001 02:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien my team is Doom- aaa/cable- aaa/storm-projectile it's not in any order, i usually play the order as Cable/Storm/Doom <---- against computer Doom/Storm/Cable <---- against humans what's the weakness of my team? How do I fix it, and is there a character i can substitute in, that will make my team better? just 1 character, i'm not gonna replace my whole team. Its not my post but ill tell you that teams weakness(considering i play it) useing cable as your main aa will be a little difficult exspecally if your opponent has a really good aa like capcom or if hes playing cable he will punish yours do to the long lag time after the assist is over well im glad to help peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:23:2001 02:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Its not my post but ill tell you that teams weakness(considering i play it) useing cable as your main aa will be a little difficult exspecally if your opponent has a really good aa like capcom or if hes playing cable he will punish yours do to the long lag time after the assist is over well im glad to help peace Thanks for the assistance... Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:23:2001 02:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Thanks for the assistance... Any Time Man peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:23:2001 02:39 PM: OK Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:23:2001 06:57 PM: Antthing else?... Posted by strider_hien on 05:23:2001 11:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Its not my post but ill tell you that teams weakness(considering i play it) useing cable as your main aa will be a little difficult exspecally if your opponent has a really good aa like capcom or if hes playing cable he will punish yours do to the long lag time after the assist is over well im glad to help peace Thanks for the help. Cable's AAA comes out quite fast, and is good for stopping rushdown, but then i hate the lag afterwards. CapCom eh? I was considering using him, but when it comes down to it, i don't want to use him alone. Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:24:2001 03:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien Thanks for the help. Cable's AAA comes out quite fast, and is good for stopping rushdown, but then i hate the lag afterwards. CapCom eh? I was considering using him, but when it comes down to it, i don't want to use him alone. Capcom is a really good fighter I think hes better than cable thats cable with no levels... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:24:2001 03:03 PM: Is that it?... Posted by Galford on 05:24:2001 03:10 PM: here's one: sentinel, storm, and cyclops... here's two: BH, cyclops/CapCom/,Cable... just curious on your answers... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:24:2001 07:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Galford here's one: sentinel, storm, and cyclops... here's two: BH, cyclops/CapCom/,Cable... just curious on your answers... for the 1st team your going to probobly use cable/Bh/commando use cable cuase he beats sentinal and BH with the capcom assist will stop storm from running or rushing...For the 2nd team Id use Mags to rush down BH but watch out for the capcom assist then to beat cyclops/commando Id use BH/cyclops.So the team would be Magneto/BH/cyclops...Hope it works... Posted by vipersword on 05:24:2001 10:06 PM: how about doom/aaa cable/proj cyke/aaa? i've been thinkin bout enterin this team in a tourney. plz tell mee the weaknesses of this team so i won't get creamed like a biatch. Posted by neroiscariot on 05:24:2001 10:19 PM: MY team primarily consists of: Magneto (Beta) Cable (AAA) Sent. (Gamma) This is the order in which i use them, i start with magneto using rushdown tactics to either kill off the opponent or, if i cant land a good combo, i save my supers for cable and i keep sent. assist handy for protection for cable. Sent. is a clean up who comes in last to take out anything that might have survived magneto or cable. Posted by jlepore on 05:25:2001 01:37 AM: Here are two teams for you please let me know what you think: Sentinel/Cable AAA/Capcom Sentinel/Cable AAA/Blackheart Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 02:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by vipersword how about doom/aaa cable/proj cyke/aaa? i've been thinkin bout enterin this team in a tourney. plz tell mee the weaknesses of this team so i won't get creamed like a biatch. The only weakness is thats I see is Doom isnt that good against top tiers unless he has BH or capcom as an assist beside that id say you should change your AA to BH or capcom...Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 02:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by neroiscariot MY team primarily consists of: Magneto (Beta) Cable (AAA) Sent. (Gamma) This is the order in which i use them, i start with magneto using rushdown tactics to either kill off the opponent or, if i cant land a good combo, i save my supers for cable and i keep sent. assist handy for protection for cable. Sent. is a clean up who comes in last to take out anything that might have survived magneto or cable. The only bad thing is the team has no AA besides cable and you dont want him to get hit because the team runs around him.The only team I see this team having trouble with is a run away storm...Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 02:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by jlepore Here are two teams for you please let me know what you think: Sentinel/Cable AAA/Capcom Sentinel/Cable AAA/Blackheart For the first team Id use Spiral/cable/capcom use spiral/cable bexause they can trap sentinal and the capcom assist will stop the sentinal rush down.And after you beat sentinal you pretty much have to just batlle each others cables until one dies because cable/capcom is almost perfect... Posted by jlepore on 05:25:2001 03:30 AM: are you sure that spiral cable capcom can take out sent cable capcom, it has been shown that sent can defeat spiral, his fierce can clear out swords and cause big trouble for spiral, and obviously if she teleports, capcom can take over and without sentinel backing up spiral, her swords are nowhere as effective, i really don't think that team beat sent/cable/capcom, what does everyone else think? Posted by NJzFinest on 05:25:2001 04:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by jlepore are you sure that spiral cable capcom can take out sent cable capcom, it has been shown that sent can defeat spiral, his fierce can clear out swords and cause big trouble for spiral, and obviously if she teleports, capcom can take over and without sentinel backing up spiral, her swords are nowhere as effective, i really don't think that team beat sent/cable/capcom, what does everyone else think? i think that sentinel wins if he has cable's projectile assist. Posted by NJzFinest on 05:25:2001 04:48 AM: oh yeah and how do i beat a CAPTAIN AMERICA/RUBY HEART/CAPTAIN COMMANDO team? theyre just too powerful! Posted by Evil Lee on 05:25:2001 06:37 AM: unbeatables cable/storm/doom Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 03:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest i think that sentinel wins if he has cable's projectile assist. Yes you can use it as a trap... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 03:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by jlepore are you sure that spiral cable capcom can take out sent cable capcom, it has been shown that sent can defeat spiral, his fierce can clear out swords and cause big trouble for spiral, and obviously if she teleports, capcom can take over and without sentinel backing up spiral, her swords are nowhere as effective, i really don't think that team beat sent/cable/capcom, what does everyone else think? Not with the sentinal drones... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 06:51 PM: Anything else?... Posted by magneto_x on 05:25:2001 06:54 PM: yeah man blackheart/storm/doom cable/cyclops/capcom sentinal/doom/blackheart Posted by XxNemesisxX on 05:25:2001 06:58 PM: Guile-A, Commando-B, Cable-B Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 07:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by magneto_x yeah man blackheart/storm/doom cable/cyclops/capcom sentinal/doom/blackheart To beat the 1st team ypur definatly going to nead the capcom assist to get BH and storm down...And a good team to use would be sentinal/BH/capcom.The sentinal/BH trap keeps BH still and BH/commando will stop storm from running(captain cylinder inferno Cancel HOD)...For the 2nd team id use spiral/sentinal/Bh id use this team because you cant rush down that team or run away because of the 2 great AAAs it has.But once you kill cable the game is pretty much over...For the last team you could use a team like cable/magneto/capcom use cable to beat sentinal and rushing doom with Magneto/capcom doesnt give doom much option since he has noAAA that can beat of mags and the capcom AAA will stop him from doing the doom/BH trap...Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 07:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by XxNemesisxX Guile-A, Commando-B, Cable-B This a pretty od team but to beat it id use Spiral/Sentinal/capcom id us this team because guile cant really handel spiral cheese unless he has some assist to get rid of the swords wich he doesnt and sentinal capcom because they can rush down capcom and if he tries to use the cable assist just do the sentinal infinite on him...Hope I helped... Posted by magneto_x on 05:25:2001 07:28 PM: THANX MAN Posted by cheese_master on 05:25:2001 07:42 PM: Okay time to name a bunch of teams for you. First Strider/Sent/Doom. Strider/Doom/CapCom. Sent/Cable (AAA)/BH Spiral/Sent/Cammy (AAA) BH/Cable/Cyclops. Mag/Doom/AAA (Either Cyclops or CapCom) Posted by NJzFinest on 05:25:2001 09:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH To beat the 1st team ypur definatly going to nead the capcom assist to get BH and storm down if she rushes someone who has a capcom AAA with doom she'll win pretty easy Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 09:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by cheese_master Okay time to name a bunch of teams for you. First Strider/Sent/Doom. Strider/Doom/CapCom. Sent/Cable (AAA)/BH Spiral/Sent/Cammy (AAA) BH/Cable/Cyclops. Mag/Doom/AAA (Either Cyclops or CapCom) I did all of these teams earlier in the thread... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 09:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest if she rushes someone who has a capcom AAA with doom she'll win pretty easy She cant get anywhere near the opponent if they have the capcom AAA.We will see at the ECC... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:25:2001 11:29 PM: Anything else?... Posted by NJzFinest on 05:26:2001 07:37 PM: you didn't respond to mine. the captain team Captain America/ Ruby Heart/ Captain Commando Posted by PurePinoy6i9 on 05:28:2001 02:59 AM: I'm sorta of having trouble with a guy who uses anakaris, sent, and BH. Please help!!! Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:29:2001 08:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest you didn't respond to mine. the captain team Captain America/ Ruby Heart/ Captain Commando Alright josh to beat Team catain you would use Team I hate wolverine Omega Red/Silver Samurai/Sabertooth Use omega with the sabertooth assist(birdie) to keep them pinned so he cant hit you with the capcom assist when you work up 5 levels bring out SS and chi them by doing the sabertooth assist and his ninja stars super and repeat till he has 2 levels and then cancel into the omegaRed whip super for a safe tag out...Hope it works... Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:29:2001 08:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by PurePinoy6i9 I'm sorta of having trouble with a guy who uses anakaris, sent, and BH. Please help!!! Ah he must be throwing coffins and the BH assist so I would rush that shit down with a tean like magneto/cable/cyke you rush down anakais and sentinal since they dont have a good and fast AA.Tr that and if it fails ask again and ll try again... Posted by NJzFinest on 05:29:2001 10:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Alright josh to beat Team catain you would use Team I hate wolverine Omega Red/Silver Samurai/Sabertooth Use omega with the sabertooth assist(birdie) to keep them pinned so he cant hit you with the capcom assist when you work up 5 levels bring out SS and chi them by doing the sabertooth assist and his ninja stars super and repeat till he has 2 levels and then cancel into the omegaRed whip super for a safe tag out...Hope it works... i'm sorry jeff but thats wrong. the correct answer is "gee i thought about it and the team is actually unbeatable" Posted by Sentinels Force on 05:29:2001 10:54 PM: what team can beat the Sentinel Blacheart Commando combination Posted by NJzFinest on 05:29:2001 11:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sentinels Force what team can beat the Sentinel Blacheart Commando combination cable storm doom Posted by BrazilionBH on 05:30:2001 12:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest i'm sorry jeff but thats wrong. the correct answer is "gee i thought about it and the team is actually unbeatable" Now that I think of it your right... Posted by Sentinels Force on 05:30:2001 02:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest cable storm doom Hmmm Posted by NJzFinest on 05:30:2001 03:21 AM: well maybe sub in capcom for doom. Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:30:2001 04:29 AM: Was up N.J.'s Finest how did you do at the ecc6?? Posted by NJzFinest on 05:30:2001 07:08 AM: ummm not bad. i lost to eddie lee then i lost to justin. i dont know what place it was. i'm pretty even with eddie and it could have gone either way. with justin i did better than i thought i would. so i lost to 2 very skilled players and i think thats very fair. anyways do i know you? youre from baltimore so i probably know you from jeff or mike o Posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ on 05:30:2001 09:30 AM: check out this team... storm, cyclops, and doom (my team)... it is awesome... i have yet to see a legitimate counter against this team... i use cyclops as my point character using his double jump to manuever around cable, to take out sentinel, stop rush-down dead in their tracks with doom helper and optic blocks (fierce). storm and doom!!! enough said... Posted by Paxtez on 05:30:2001 09:40 AM: Ok, here my team.... cable-a bh-b guile-a I know what beats it lets see if you do, think of this as a test. =) Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:30:2001 06:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest ummm not bad. i lost to eddie lee then i lost to justin. i dont know what place it was. i'm pretty even with eddie and it could have gone either way. with justin i did better than i thought i would. so i lost to 2 very skilled players and i think thats very fair. anyways do i know you? youre from baltimore so i probably know you from jeff or mike o I was with jeff in the pizzaria when you were telling him how you disagree with his advice i was the other kid Peace Posted by NJzFinest on 05:30:2001 07:08 PM: oh i see. howd you and jeff do? whod ya lose to and win against? Posted by DivineJudgement on 05:30:2001 07:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest oh i see. howd you and jeff do? whod ya lose to and win against? We did ok I lost to DrunkinB and some asian kid and jeff lost to that weird kid ahh..yea sexy ken masters lol but we faired pretty good considering are compition sucks Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:01:2001 07:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement We did ok I lost to DrunkinB and some asian kid and jeff lost to that weird kid ahh..yea sexy ken masters lol but we faired pretty good considering are compition sucks Peace I didnt play that socalled sexy ken masters guy I lost to wayne(storm)... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:01:2001 07:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by Paxtez Ok, here my team.... cable-a bh-b guile-a I know what beats it lets see if you do, think of this as a test. =) Id play Magneto/storm/Capcom use magneto to rush down cable and storm/capcomto stop BH from throwing demons(dash behind BH RH and capcom assist at the same time hail storm)... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:01:2001 07:26 PM: Anything else?... Posted by Tuff Daddy on 06:01:2001 08:06 PM: okie dokie. Strider/Variety-Doom/AAA-Jin/AAA. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:01:2001 09:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Tuff Daddy okie dokie. Strider/Variety-Doom/AAA-Jin/AAA. Id use storm/cable/cyclops ue storm to run from stryder and build 5 meters and then bring in cable let the opponent try to stat the trap then send out the cyke AA and shot him x2 that should killhim right there and for doom you can stop him from jumping by doing the cable storm trap... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 01:39 AM: Anything else?... Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 01:49 AM: why do you say that after every post: to gain # of posts? Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 01:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by AMX why do you say that after every post: to gain # of posts? NO I just doitwhen my thread gets pushed back...Anything else?... Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 02:02 AM: lol Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 02:10 AM: Hey AMX do youever play valle at shgl?... Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 02:12 AM: yeah why? Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 02:18 AM: IM me at Brazilionironman so I we can talk about it... Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 03:13 AM: ok *Trying not to laugh* I got 3 for you: 1.Team Shoto 2.Megaman, Servbot, Roll (especially) 3.Dhamslim(U.S.), Dan(varity assist), chun li (ground assist) Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 03:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by AMX ok *Trying not to laugh* I got 3 for you: 1.Team Shoto 2.Megaman, Servbot, Roll (especially) 3.Dhamslim(U.S.), Dan(varity assist), chun li (ground assist) Well for team shoto use team captain (captain america/ruby heart/captain comaNDO)...For team mega man use team I hate wolveine sabortooth/omega red/silver saurai...and for the last team its unbeatable... Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 03:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH for the last team its unbeatable... RoFL Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 03:35 AM: I just love to throw those picture with dan's john handcock on them. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 05:08 AM: Nice avitar!!!... Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:02:2001 05:40 AM: Hey heres one for ya man beat this team.. NAKARURU,ANYONE ELSE THERES A CHALLANGE FOR YA Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 06:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Hey heres one for ya man beat this team.. NAKARURU,ANYONE ELSE THERES A CHALLANGE FOR YA Peace Im speachless... Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 08:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Im speachless... me 2 And Thx if you were serious about my Avatar Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:02:2001 06:58 PM: Any thing else?... Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:02:2001 11:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Any thing else?... Nope Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:03:2001 07:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Nope Peace No negativity john... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:03:2001 11:12 PM: Anything else?... Posted by Psyduck on 06:03:2001 11:25 PM: Dhalsim,IM,Cyclops Doom,Strider,Capcom Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:03:2001 11:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by Psyduck Dhalsim,IM,Cyclops Doom,Strider,Capcom For the 1st team Id use sentinal/cable/psilocke Id use sentinal psi becaus if dhamslim gets hit with one of sentinals air combos that like 50% of his life.And cable psilock so wen IM trie to rush down just use the psi AA and AHVB it.I already did the second tema earlier in the thread just look a few pages back.Hope I helped... Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:04:2001 03:16 AM: Hmmm what about the team of Tron,Damslim,ken akuma,charlie,felica thanos,omega red,chun li work with those and watch out they all own cable!!!! Peace Posted by Paxtez on 06:04:2001 04:23 AM: quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Paxtez Ok, here my team.... cable-a bh-b guile-a I know what beats it lets see if you do, think of this as a test. =) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Id play Magneto/storm/Capcom use magneto to rush down cable and storm/capcomto stop BH from throwing demons(dash behind BH RH and capcom assist at the same time hail storm)... Guile AAA, stops rush down like you wouldn't belive. Also whenever mag is at full screen, bh assist, j.fp, lk granade really slows mag rushdown. Also, BH SJ.HK then dash lets you block really quick, he easly dashes past the captains corridor. Posted by oORYUOo on 06:04:2001 04:59 AM: hey, how's it going. anyways, i'm having trouble with cable/sentinel/doom(AAA). the guy just stays back and calls sentinel with the three little things in the air. and if i try to get near him he calls out doom. any help will do thanks. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:04:2001 07:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by oORYUOo hey, how's it going. anyways, i'm having trouble with cable/sentinel/doom(AAA). the guy just stays back and calls sentinel with the three little things in the air. and if i try to get near him he calls out doom. any help will do thanks. Ok use storm to work up5 levels because he has no AAA that can get storm down from the air and then stryder/doom to get them in the trap and kill cable with chip damage and when you lose all your levels sub back into storm and work up more levels.Hope it helps... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:04:2001 07:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Hmmm what about the team of Tron,Damslim,ken akuma,charlie,felica thanos,omega red,chun li work with those and watch out they all own cable!!!! Peace These teams are unbeatable!!! Posted by ProfessorX on 06:04:2001 08:59 PM: i am in need of the strongest anti-cable team. theres a guy who plays a god-like cable but his other players suck, so if i could just take out cable. his team is usually like cable/sent/im or guile/cable/sent he always mixes up the orders i play a strong cable, sent, mags... the best luck ive had on him is my wolvie/wolvie/sent team... but i have to work pretty hard thanks for the help Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:05:2001 12:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by ProfessorX i am in need of the strongest anti-cable team. theres a guy who plays a god-like cable but his other players suck, so if i could just take out cable. his team is usually like cable/sent/im or guile/cable/sent he always mixes up the orders i play a strong cable, sent, mags... the best luck ive had on him is my wolvie/wolvie/sent team... but i have to work pretty hard thanks for the help What Id suggest is if he is using a cable team without an AAA like commando etc. use storm becaause it iseasy to run away and build 5 meters with fierce punch and vertical tornadoes and have your second character that can benifit from the levels like cable or stryder/doom so you can easyaly get rid of is cable and it shouldnt be hard to deal with the rest of his team because you sed cable is his only good character...Hope Ihelped you... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:05:2001 01:22 AM: Anything else?... Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:05:2001 04:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Anything else?... NO BITCH... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:05:2001 04:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement NO BITCH... For no id use yes to counter his negativity atacks and for bitch use male dog to fuck it in the ass...Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:05:2001 04:08 AM: Anything else?... Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:05:2001 04:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH For no id use yes to counter his negativity atacks and for bitch use male dog to fuck it in the ass...Hope I helped... Thanx man thats the first time you have helped me since this thread started Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:05:2001 04:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement Thanx man thats the first time you have helped me since this thread started Peace No problem... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:05:2001 07:00 PM: Anything else?... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:06:2001 02:08 AM: OK ... Posted by icjones on 06:06:2001 06:22 PM: I am not to sure if you discussed these teams, but how about: 1)mag/cable/cyclops or psylock 2)strider/cable/doom Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:06:2001 06:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by icjones I am not to sure if you discussed these teams, but how about : 1)mag/cable/cyclops or psylock 2)strider/cable/doom For the first team you could use Sentinal/storm/commando.Use sentinal with the capcom AAA to stop the rush down and when they bring out cable you could safe tag into storm and run away for the rest of the match if he has less life than you.The 2nd team was put up some where earlier in the thread...Hope I helped... Posted by NJzFinest on 06:06:2001 07:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH For the first team you could use Sentinal/storm/commando.Use sentinal with the capcom AAA to stop the rush down and when they bring out cable you could safe tag into storm and run away for the rest of the match if he has less life than you.The 2nd team was put up some where earlier in the thread...Hope I helped... good advice... or you can use the CAPTAIN TEAM!!! CaptainAmerica / RubyHeart / CaptainCommando TOO POWERFUL!!! Posted by rusbar on 06:06:2001 07:07 PM: can you give a team that doesn't have "top tiers" in it? Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:06:2001 07:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by rusbar can you give a team that doesn't have "top tiers" in it? LOL man..I dont think he can Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:06:2001 07:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest good advice... or you can use the CAPTAIN TEAM!!! CaptainAmerica / RubyHeart / CaptainCommando TOO POWERFUL!!! That team is unfair!!! Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:06:2001 07:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by rusbar can you give a team that doesn't have "top tiers" in it? Yeah I could give you a team of not top tier but it wouldnt be that good... Posted by S_G_Ami on 06:06:2001 09:18 PM: storm/sent/cammy Posted by diegovaz on 06:06:2001 09:41 PM: How bout storm/Sent/BH?? Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:06:2001 09:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by S_G_Ami storm/sent/cammy Not my thread but ill tell ya anyway.. You could almost match the team with...Storm/cable/cammy (or Replace cammy with Commando) You could also play magneto/cable/fast anti-air..Just take the practical approch to the situation for storm have an Anti air on your team for sentinal have an air raid charcter or cable and for cammy well just dont get to care less Peace Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:06:2001 09:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by diegovaz How bout storm/Sent/BH?? Hey your avatar is a pic of a subway sub and I work at subway thats so koooooooooooooooooooool!!!!! Peace Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:06:2001 09:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by diegovaz How bout storm/Sent/BH?? Basicly the same thing I told the Guy that ask about storm/sent/cammy...with eh addition of the fact that you probably should either play hard core rush down or almost deffinitly have cable on your team to deal with Sent/BH (they are a hard team to match) Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:06:2001 11:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by diegovaz How bout storm/Sent/BH?? Id use Magneto/cable/commando Use mags to rush down since they have no really good AAA and cable to kill sentinal.And your going to wanna use the comandoAAA against storm just incase she tries to run away.Hope I helped... Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:07:2001 01:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Id use Magneto/cable/commando Use mags to rush down since they have no really good AAA and cable to kill sentinal.And your going to wanna use the comandoAAA against storm just incase she tries to run away.Hope I helped... hmmm that seems very simular to what i said...coincidence I think not Peace Posted by DeathFromAbove on 06:07:2001 01:47 AM: Storm-y/Strider/Doom Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:07:2001 01:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement hmmm that seems very simular to what i said...coincidence I think not Peace mayebe we know each other... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:07:2001 01:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Storm-y/Strider/Doom Damn do I hate this team well anyway i usually would play cable/capcom/cyke Because commando stops storm from running and cyke stops the rush down and it stops the doom trap.But just dont let cable die... Posted by NJzFinest on 06:07:2001 02:46 AM: i cant find out how to beat jill/doom/commando the team is really good. i want to beat it but i want to use a team other than the dreaded captain team. please help. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:07:2001 08:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest i cant find out how to beat jill/doom/commando the team is really good. i want to beat it but i want to use a team other than the dreaded captain team. please help. This team isnt that bad so you coulduse omega/tron/sentinal... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:07:2001 08:56 PM: Anything else?... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:08:2001 02:23 AM: OK Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:11:2001 03:24 AM: Im back.Anyone else need help?... Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:11:2001 04:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH mayebe we know each other... hmmm maybe is your name jose,rodregez,alex shetty,or rosco??? Peace Posted by Cpt. America on 06:11:2001 04:37 AM: One real annoying team is Storm, Blackheart, and Cable. I use Captain Commando but every time he gets caught by Blackheart and then the Cable glitch comes out. Who should I use or what should I do? Posted by Magneto83 on 06:11:2001 05:05 AM: Magneto, Cable, And CapCom Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:11:2001 06:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by Cpt. America One real annoying team is Storm, Blackheart, and Cable. I use Captain Commando but every time he gets caught by Blackheart and then the Cable glitch comes out. Who should I use or what should I do? well First off your gonna need to rush down BH with a good anti air like Capcom or cammy and at all cost try and avoid the demons get in his face and try to cross him up or wait for him to jump so you can capitilize of the first animation or the ending animation of the demons,then well to put it simply put cable on the team use a rush down charcter (magneto,doom,storm)and try and get five levels for cable and then with a fast anti air and cable the oppenents team is history Peace Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:11:2001 06:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by Magneto83 Magneto, Cable, And CapCom Well use storm to knock out magneto and well cable to knock out cable and there are two anti airs that I find affective against Capcom..doom and cammy use one of them Peace Posted by RECRUTA42 on 06:11:2001 06:31 PM: A better challenger for you BrazilionBH - (to not become bored) I give you 2 trios, one mine and another....And then you tell me how with my trio I can beat the other...What do you think? I find this one really more interesting, don't you? Acho q sim né?...hehehehe Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:11:2001 06:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by RECRUTA42 A better challenger for you BrazilionBH - (to not become bored) I give you 2 trios, one mine and another....And then you tell me how with my trio I can beat the other...What do you think? I find this one really more interesting, don't you? Acho q sim né?...hehehehe BrazilionBh is in school right now but ill take care of your question Peace Posted by RECRUTA42 on 06:11:2001 06:53 PM: My god...How things are fast on this forum!..You spend all day here right DivineJudgement ? Well...With iceman/cable/Doom beat Anakaris-Throw/cable-AAA/guile-AAA and shumagorath/Blackheart/Ryu beat Jill/Cable/Doom/ Sounds really stupid question with so many top tier teams but I like a real challenger... By the way,...If you really have will tell me how to face them withou the stupid "change this one for that one..and so..." Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:11:2001 08:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by RECRUTA42 My god...How things are fast on this forum!..You spend all day here right DivineJudgement ? Well...With iceman/cable/Doom beat Anakaris-Throw/cable-AAA/guile-AAA and shumagorath/Blackheart/Ryu beat Jill/Cable/Doom/ Sounds really stupid question with so many top tier teams but I like a real challenger... By the way,...If you really have will tell me how to face them withou the stupid "change this one for that one..and so..." Well first off I dont spend all day here I just happanded to be on when you posted so theres that ansewer 1)For the explination of how iceman/cable/doom beats anakarisis/cable/guile hmm you dont need to think hard for that one iceman will own anakaris with icebeams and some rush down and if you use the cable anti air and misscable will lose half his life bar right there with an iceman aircombo into super and well it depends on how good the players cable is because there will be a cable vs cable fight and guile well theres no need to worry about him if you call him out during the cable vs cable fight well he dead 2)now shumagorath/Blackheart/Ryu vs Jill/Cable/Doom/ is gonna be hard (I would put shuma on his assist where he flys across the screen covered with spikes for one) I would try and and rush down jill with shuma using ryus antiair to get some xtra damage and I would kill canle with run away BH and ryus anti air and for doom I would countinue to use BH and when he dies ryu can work clean up I reply to the rest later Peace Posted by NJzFinest on 06:11:2001 08:59 PM: captain team is TOO POWERFUL. that beats EVERY TEAM. Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:12:2001 03:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest captain team is TOO POWERFUL. that beats EVERY TEAM. Yes man we all understand!!!!!!! GO CAPTAIN TEAM IT RULES THE WORLD AND OWNS GOD FOR FREE YIPPY !!!!!! PEACE Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:12:2001 07:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest captain team is TOO POWERFUL. that beats EVERY TEAM. Damn right... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 05:43 PM: Anything else?... Posted by NJzFinest on 06:18:2001 06:08 PM: Megaman(a)Charlie(b)Iceman(a) Posted by OriJINal on 06:18:2001 08:18 PM: i dunno if this was said but can you answer again anyway? im talkin 1. Stider, Doom, CapCom 2. Strider, Doom, Cable. Posted by Taiga_Knee on 06:18:2001 08:46 PM: Counter Sorry if you already posted something because I only read pages 1,2,and 10. I'm trying to find out any counters to the team I play- Doom, BH, Cable. Got any? Posted by RoTeNdO on 06:18:2001 08:51 PM: Ironman, Doom, and Cable. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 09:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by OriJINal i dunno if this was said but can you answer again anyway? im talkin 1. Stider, Doom, CapCom 2. Strider, Doom, Cable. For the first team stryder/doom/capcom Use this team storm/cable/cyclops because storm can fly away from stryder to work up levels and when cabl comes in just wait till they get close to you and try to send out doom and start the trap and then use the cyclops assist(AAA)it will hit doom and stryder and then go into the AHVB.Use the same team for Styder/doom/cable.Hop I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 09:14 PM: Re: Counter quote: Originally posted by Taiga_Knee Sorry if you already posted something because I only read pages 1,2,and 10. I'm trying to find out any counters to the team I play- Doom, BH, Cable. Got any? Doom/cable/BH lets see.OK you could use magneto/storm/cylops because doom doesnt have a fast AAA to stop mags from rushing and that makes it hard for him to strt his trap.And for cable you can rush him down to because the team lacks a good fast AAA.RUSH THAT SHIT DOWN... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 09:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest Megaman(a)Charlie(b)Iceman(a) Damn stop it with these unbeatable teams... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 09:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by RoTeNdO Ironman, Doom, and Cable. Well for that team you could use Sentinal/BH/cyclops to stop IM from runing and thowing SBs and stop him form rushing down and you can use BH/cke for cale and just run if you have more life than them.Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 09:29 PM: Anything else?... Posted by Vonstar on 06:18:2001 09:31 PM: hey, is storm(exp) mag(projectile) capcom(aaa) a good combination? Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 09:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vonstar hey, is storm(exp) mag(projectile) capcom(aaa) a good combination? Yeah that is a good team cause you can use storm as a battery for mags and you have a good AAA... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:18:2001 10:02 PM: Anything Else?... Posted by granite on 06:19:2001 01:56 AM: thoughts on these teams?: mag(proj)/cable(aa)/psy(aa) storm(gamma)/cable(aa)/doom(aa) storm(gamma)/sent(gamma)/capcom(aa) tron(gamma)/sent(gamma)/capcom(aa) finally: omega red(aa)/doom(aa)/cammy(aa) yes I saw someone do surprisingly well with this team, he had this massive strike cancelling crossup with doom game and cammy to clear the path - really impressive shit. storm gamma for the semi-traps, do u suggest projectile instead? Posted by RoTeNdO on 06:19:2001 04:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Well for that team you could use Sentinal/BH/cyclops to stop IM from runing and thowing SBs and stop him form rushing down and you can use BH/cke for cale and just run if you have more life than them.Hope I helped... Thanks BBH Posted by sick$imulations on 06:19:2001 11:01 PM: what about (Doom AAA/Cable AAA/ Sentinel GROUND.??? Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:20:2001 03:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by sick$imulations what about (Doom AAA/Cable AAA/ Sentinel GROUND.??? A good team to use against that team would be Magneto/storm/doom.You could use this team affectivly by rushing down doom since he has no AAA and he issnt very fast and cant put up with it and storm so when thry bring in cable with levels you can just chip them with doo andthen fly to the top of the screen just to be safe and to run out time.Hope I helped... Posted by Vonstar on 06:20:2001 03:23 AM: how bout this freak team, blackheart/shuma/venom j/k Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:20:2001 03:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Vonstar how bout this freak team, blackheart/shuma/venom j/k I heard storiesabou thatteam and how killer it is but wait nope it sucks... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:20:2001 03:28 AM: Anything Else Posted by Vonstar on 06:20:2001 03:29 AM: dan, ruby, roll...tourny caliber right there Posted by granite on 06:20:2001 03:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Anything Else you forgot to give some thoughts on the teams i put down a few posts ago. Posted by VanDread_431 on 06:20:2001 04:30 AM: MAGNETO,SPIDEY AND ICEMAN THIS TEAM IS ALMOST INVENCIBLE MAGNETO IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAST AND IF I TRY TO USE COMMANDO´S AAA HE ONLY HIT HIM AND CONTINUE WITH THE COMBO Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:20:2001 06:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by granite you forgot to give some thoughts on the teams i put down a few posts ago. Could you give me the teams one at a time Cause I tipe slow... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:20:2001 06:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by VanDread_431 MAGNETO,SPIDEY AND ICEMAN THIS TEAM IS ALMOST INVENCIBLE MAGNETO IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAST AND IF I TRY TO USE COMMANDO´S AAA HE ONLY HIT HIM AND CONTINUE WITH THE COMBO Well it seemsthat you are only having a problem with mags so you could use various sentinal teams like sentinal/cable/BH or capcom cause sentinal is god at keeping mags away...Hope I hepled... Posted by Vonstar on 06:20:2001 06:28 AM: help me with team robot, serbot/sent/doom Posted by GeoG2 on 06:20:2001 09:57 AM: Braz....Geo wants you to tell him the weaknesses of a Cable (VBA)/CapCom (AAA)/Blackheart (AAA). Posted by dragonkahn on 06:20:2001 10:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeoG2 Braz....Geo wants you to tell him the weaknesses of a Cable (VBA)/CapCom (AAA)/Blackheart (AAA). sigh...almost everyone has that team. :/ anyways, BrazBH. My team is Spiral/Strider/Doom. Posted by granite on 06:20:2001 02:33 PM: mag/cable/psy ? & storm/sentinel/capcom ? Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:21:2001 02:08 AM: BrazilionBH your a fuck head Peace Posted by DeathFromAbove on 06:21:2001 02:30 AM: Spiral/Sabretooth/Capcom Posted by The Hobo Clown on 06:21:2001 05:01 AM: Dhalsim AAA/ Doom AAA/ Sentinel Ground Posted by Jakuda on 06:21:2001 09:02 AM: I've been skimming this thread now, and I've come to notice that half the information/advice given here is either incorrect or hastily given. I've seen things like "put Cable there...he'll deal with the unknown" or "put captain commando to deal with Magneto." or "storm is a good battery for magneto." or to use storm/cable/cyclops to beat strider/doom/capcom. 1) If you search about for a Viscant post where he talks about AAA vs Magneto, it will confirm my own findings that against a GOOD magneto your normal AAA's like (cc, cyclops, ken, cammy, etc...) don't work, b/c they're forward moving, and are too "slow" to hit magneto when he's triangle jumping you/rushing you down. Psylocke is really the only AAA that hits behind and in front of your point character, which means good Magneto protection. If the point of the thread is to offer counter teams, then we should offer the best theoretical characters. 2) I guess it's easy to offer Cable to "deal" with the unknown. And I can see why. But that is not sufficient reason to put him on a team to specifically counter another. (okay well against low tier teams i can see why, but against top tiers, cable is rarely the best) 3) Magneto play has evolved to the point where his ac to tempest supers are not the point of his strategy. I think it's useful to assume the opponent can mash, b/c that forces you to work and use magneto aside from hypergrav->tempest. From that view point, using storm as a battery for magneto is pointless. Magneto is a battery in himself. His rushdown generates enough meter, and he only spends it on a long combo->rh->cancel shockwave or an occasional tempest. 4) as for strider/doom teams, i've come to realize, and most good players will agree, that strider/doom can theoretically counter ANY team out there. So the question is why don't you see it too much? because it's so freaking hard to play that team WELL. Bad joysticks, or any wrong movement will mess up the strider/doom trap and send strider on a wall climb. Regardless, the only real counter characters I know of that beat s/d are Ken and Felicia. B/c ken goes through doom's rocks (cammy bounces off of them), and felicia has that ground sand wave. This wasn't really meant to be a harsh critique. I'll give that the suggestions in the thread are merely opinions of brazilBH and divine judgement, and not true "theory fighter" answers, but still, at least give a bit of thought to the answers instead of "xxx knocks out yyy." Posted by Jakuda on 06:21:2001 10:09 AM: Sorry i have more stuff to nitpick about: quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For sentinal cable capcom I would use spiral/BH/cyke I d use spiral to keep the sentinal away and BH to run from cable... >> First of all, Sentinel is a good anti-Spiral character b/c his fierce and rocket punch knocks out Spiral's sword call, and Spiral can't teleport confidently b/c of his flying fierce. Secondly, the team Spiral/bh/cyke has no real team dynamics. What the heck is BH/cyke going to do with all the meter Spiral will build? BH can not cause damage or chip effectively in the "main level user" position. And BH/cyke can not (against a GOOD player or in theory fighter) run away from cable/capcom. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ...And its har dfor cable to deal with sentinal/commando rushdown... >>> of Sentinel's hardest matchups is against Cable/capcom. Even if sentinel has BH (his best assist) it's a hard ass fight. For one, sentinel can't do his standard trapping patterns with BH, b/c cable can AHVB after blocking the first hit of the inferno. And Sentinel has to be extremely wary of his spatial position in relation to Cable so he doesn't get smacked by the CC assist. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- for the 1st team (sent,storm/cyc)your going to probobly use cable/Bh/commando use cable cuase he beats sentinal and BH with the capcom assist will stop storm from running or rushing...For the 2nd teama(BH, cyclops/CapCom/,Cable) Id use Mags to rush down BH but watch out for the capcom assist then to beat cyclops/commando Id use BH/cyclops.So the team would be Magneto/BH/cyclops...Hope it works... >>> Hm..., you contradicted yourself. In one post, you said cable has a hard time against sentinel, and in this post, you say sentinel has a hard time with cable/commando. Also what type of team dynamics does Mag/bh/cyclops have? it's not going to be very efficient when his cable/aaa comes into play. Also BH is the anti pixie. Mag is going to have a hard time against BH's jumping fierces. Posted by DESERT DRAGON on 06:21:2001 08:39 PM: OK, someone tell me the team that beats Sentinel (Ground), Cable (anti-air), Blackheart (anti-air). Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 12:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by DESERT DRAGON OK, someone tell me the team that beats Sentinel (Ground), Cable (anti-air), Blackheart (anti-air). You could play spiral/sentinal/capcom cause it is hard for sentinal to deal with the swords and cable with no fast AAA cant deal with sent/capcom.ope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 12:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda I've been skimming this thread now, and I've come to notice that half the information/advice given here is either incorrect or hastily given. I've seen things like "put Cable there...he'll deal with the unknown" or "put captain commando to deal with Magneto." or "storm is a good battery for magneto." or to use storm/cable/cyclops to beat strider/doom/capcom. 1) If you search about for a Viscant post where he talks about AAA vs Magneto, it will confirm my own findings that against a GOOD magneto your normal AAA's like (cc, cyclops, ken, cammy, etc...) don't work, b/c they're forward moving, and are too "slow" to hit magneto when he's triangle jumping you/rushing you down. Psylocke is really the only AAA that hits behind and in front of your point character, which means good Magneto protection. If the point of the thread is to offer counter teams, then we should offer the best theoretical characters. 2) I guess it's easy to offer Cable to "deal" with the unknown. And I can see why. But that is not sufficient reason to put him on a team to specifically counter another. (okay well against low tier teams i can see why, but against top tiers, cable is rarely the best) 3) Magneto play has evolved to the point where his ac to tempest supers are not the point of his strategy. I think it's useful to assume the opponent can mash, b/c that forces you to work and use magneto aside from hypergrav->tempest. From that view point, using storm as a battery for magneto is pointless. Magneto is a battery in himself. His rushdown generates enough meter, and he only spends it on a long combo->rh->cancel shockwave or an occasional tempest. 4) as for strider/doom teams, i've come to realize, and most good players will agree, that strider/doom can theoretically counter ANY team out there. So the question is why don't you see it too much? because it's so freaking hard to play that team WELL. Bad joysticks, or any wrong movement will mess up the strider/doom trap and send strider on a wall climb. Regardless, the only real counter characters I know of that beat s/d are Ken and Felicia. B/c ken goes through doom's rocks (cammy bounces off of them), and felicia has that ground sand wave. This wasn't really meant to be a harsh critique. I'll give that the suggestions in the thread are merely opinions of brazilBH and divine judgement, and not true "theory fighter" answers, but still, at least give a bit of thought to the answers instead of "xxx knocks out yyy." You have obviously read the thread wrong... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 12:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by dragonkahn sigh...almost everyone has that team. :/ anyways, BrazBH. My team is Spiral/Strider/Doom. At least you dont have a worn outteam... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 12:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Spiral/Sabretooth/Capcom This team is basd completely around spiral so if you can kill her with a character such as doom it will be easy to beat therest of the team... Posted by Fei Fong Wong on 06:28:2001 12:32 AM: Spiral/BH/sentinal Posted by Redcoldfire on 06:28:2001 01:46 AM: ok here is the team megaman/BH/Spiral Posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ on 06:28:2001 05:21 PM: dude man... last night my roommate just pissed the shiznitz out of me. We went back and forth in the wins, he would win with his Magneto, Cammy, Storm team and then I would win with my Mags, Iron Man, Psylocke team. When he replaced Storm with Doom, I could no longer practice with Mags (we were playing on the console system w/ mas joysticks) cuz he'd just bring out his doom behind me. Help me out with that. then I picked Storm, Doom, and Commando... messed him up real bad. Then his team became Blackheart, Sentinel, Commando in that order. I couldn't get a single win... lost 8 in a row to be exact. brazilion bh, anybody... can you help? Posted by magneto_x on 06:28:2001 05:37 PM: man help me with beating the team cable-doom-capcom Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 07:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by Fei Fong Wong Spiral/BH/sentinal you could use magneto/cable/AAA because spiral without and AAA tht is fast cant put up with rush down.And as we all know cable beats sentinal.Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 07:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ dude man... last night my roommate just pissed the shiznitz out of me. We went back and forth in the wins, he would win with his Magneto, Cammy, Storm team and then I would win with my Mags, Iron Man, Psylocke team. When he replaced Storm with Doom, I could no longer practice with Mags (we were playing on the console system w/ mas joysticks) cuz he'd just bring out his doom behind me. Help me out with that. then I picked Storm, Doom, and Commando... messed him up real bad. Then his team became Blackheart, Sentinel, Commando in that order. I couldn't get a single win... lost 8 in a row to be exact. brazilion bh, anybody... can you help? It seema tha you are only having trouble with snetinal/BH/capcom.Dont feel bad everyone has trouble with this team.I would suggest using a team such as Spiral/sentinal/capcom.Use this team because spiral can keep sentinal at bay to work up 5 levels and then you can chip an entre character with the sentinal/spiral projectile assist trap(feirce and spiral assist at the same time rocket punch cancel into sentinal force repeat 5 times)... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 07:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by magneto_x man help me with beating the team cable-doom-capcom Well if that team is in that order you could use spiral/sentinal/capcom cause cableis at the point without any levels and it will be hard for him to move with the spiral/sent trap coming at him.And doom/capcom vs sentinal/capcom Id give the upper hand to sentinal.But you could probobly have an easier time beating that team with /spiral/sentinal/BH cause its easier to beat doom/capcom with sentinal/BH cause it stops doom from doingthe trap.Hope I helped... Posted by NJzFinest on 06:28:2001 08:40 PM: hey jeff i have a different question... what kind of team would LOSE to this one "Ironman/Blackheart/Cyclops"? the team is just so bad i dont think it wins against any teams lol. well tell me what you think. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:28:2001 09:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest hey jeff i have a different question... what kind of team would LOSE to this one "Ironman/Blackheart/Cyclops"? the team is just so bad i dont think it wins against any teams lol. well tell me what you think. well Id say the "captan Team" could beat it... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:29:2001 01:52 AM: Anything else?... Posted by 3nkIndu on 06:29:2001 02:36 AM: What team could beat Gambit, Magneto, & Hulk. This team I don't use assists. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:29:2001 03:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by 3nkIndu What team could beat Gambit, Magneto, & Hulk. This team I don't use assists. You could use spiderman/dhalsom/capcom You can use spider man againts gambit and rush him downsince the team lacksa AAA and use dhamslim cause there is a combo with him and spidey that takes off almost all the life(Lift with spidey call out the dhamslim AAA as your jumping then do feirce punch into feirce punch web ball you both land together then you do Round House crawler Assault and if you have another level cancel into the yora flame super)And Dahmslim is good to tap at people.And the capcom AAA can keep away Mags.Hope I helped... Posted by 3nkIndu on 06:29:2001 03:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH You could use spiderman/dhalsom/capcom You can use spider man againts gambit and rush him downsince the team lacksa AAA and use dhamslim cause there is a combo with him and spidey that takes off almost all the life(Lift with spidey call out the dhamslim AAA as your jumping then do feirce punch into feirce punch web ball you both land together then you do Round House crawler Assault and if you have another level cancel into the yora flame super)And Dahmslim is good to tap at people.And the capcom AAA can keep away Mags.Hope I helped... Neat. Yeah, alot of help. Nice work. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:29:2001 03:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by 3nkIndu Neat. Yeah, alot of help. Nice work. Did you try the combo?... Posted by 3nkIndu on 06:29:2001 03:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Did you try the combo?... Actually I don't play spidey. I will try it though. Posted by Jakuda on 06:29:2001 03:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH You have obviously read the thread wrong... Prove that I have read the thread wrong. I have quoted you many times. Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:29:2001 03:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Prove that I have read the thread wrong. I have quoted you many times. I was reading what you sed and you were saying stuff that I had never sed... Posted by BrazilionBH on 06:29:2001 03:42 AM: Anything Else?... Posted by Spider_Sting on 06:29:2001 03:56 AM: Justin Wong's Team of Magneto Cable Cammy (don't know if this was said before... cuz i didn't read all 12 pages) or Cable Cammy Sent Posted by Jakuda on 06:29:2001 03:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH I was reading what you sed and you were saying stuff that I had never sed... Lol, I can quote you word for word, I already posted once with direct quotes, here it is again: Those are direct quotes (and my responses underneath) right there. Anyways, whatever. << quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For sentinal cable capcom I would use spiral/BH/cyke I d use spiral to keep the sentinal away and BH to run from cable... >> First of all, Sentinel is a good anti-Spiral character b/c his fierce and rocket punch knocks out Spiral's sword call, and Spiral can't teleport confidently b/c of his flying fierce. Secondly, the team Spiral/bh/cyke has no real team dynamics. What the heck is BH/cyke going to do with all the meter Spiral will build? BH can not cause damage or chip effectively in the "main level user" position. And BH/cyke can not (against a GOOD player or in theory fighter) run away from cable/capcom. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ...And its har dfor cable to deal with sentinal/commando rushdown... >>> of Sentinel's hardest matchups is against Cable/capcom. Even if sentinel has BH (his best assist) it's a hard ass fight. For one, sentinel can't do his standard trapping patterns with BH, b/c cable can AHVB after blocking the first hit of the inferno. And Sentinel has to be extremely wary of his spatial position in relation to Cable so he doesn't get smacked by the CC assist. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- for the 1st team (sent,storm/cyc)your going to probobly use cable/Bh/commando use cable cuase he beats sentinal and BH with the capcom assist will stop storm from running or rushing...For the 2nd teama(BH, cyclops/CapCom/,Cable) Id use Mags to rush down BH but watch out for the capcom assist then to beat cyclops/commando Id use BH/cyclops.So the team would be Magneto/BH/cyclops...Hope it works... >>> Hm..., you contradicted yourself. In one post, you said cable has a hard time against sentinel, and in this post, you say sentinel has a hard time with cable/commando. Also what type of team dynamics does Mag/bh/cyclops have? it's not going to be very efficient when his cable/aaa comes into play. Also BH is the anti pixie. Mag is going to have a hard time against BH's jumping fierces. >>> Posted by SSJ2Gohan on 06:29:2001 04:11 AM: how do you beat a BH/Cable/CapCom team? Posted by Marvarapper on 06:29:2001 04:17 AM: blackheart/doom/commando....i use mag/cable and cyke Posted by DivineJudgement on 06:29:2001 06:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Lol, I can quote you word for word, I already posted once with direct quotes, here it is again: Those are direct quotes (and my responses underneath) right there. Anyways, whatever. << quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For sentinal cable capcom I would use spiral/BH/cyke I d use spiral to keep the sentinal away and BH to run from cable... >> First of all, Sentinel is a good anti-Spiral character b/c his fierce and rocket punch knocks out Spiral's sword call, and Spiral can't teleport confidently b/c of his flying fierce. Secondly, the team Spiral/bh/cyke has no real team dynamics. What the heck is BH/cyke going to do with all the meter Spiral will build? BH can not cause damage or chip effectively in the "main level user" position. And BH/cyke can not (against a GOOD player or in theory fighter) run away from cable/capcom. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ...And its har dfor cable to deal with sentinal/commando rushdown... >>> of Sentinel's hardest matchups is against Cable/capcom. Even if sentinel has BH (his best assist) it's a hard ass fight. For one, sentinel can't do his standard trapping patterns with BH, b/c cable can AHVB after blocking the first hit of the inferno. And Sentinel has to be extremely wary of his spatial position in relation to Cable so he doesn't get smacked by the CC assist. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- for the 1st team (sent,storm/cyc)your going to probobly use cable/Bh/commando use cable cuase he beats sentinal and BH with the capcom assist will stop storm from running or rushing...For the 2nd teama(BH, cyclops/CapCom/,Cable) Id use Mags to rush down BH but watch out for the capcom assist then to beat cyclops/commando Id use BH/cyclops.So the team would be Magneto/BH/cyclops...Hope it works... >>> Hm..., you contradicted yourself. In one post, you said cable has a hard time against sentinel, and in this post, you say sentinel has a hard time with cable/commando. Also what type of team dynamics does Mag/bh/cyclops have? it's not going to be very efficient when his cable/aaa comes into play. Also BH is the anti pixie. Mag is going to have a hard time against BH's jumping fierces. >>> You are right in all that you said...but it depends on the skill of the player not his charcters,unless its a complete unbalance peace Posted by Dark Spidey on 06:29:2001 07:34 AM: spiderman/tronne/cable sent/jugg/col if u know this u should one of the top people. r u? Posted by NJzFinest on 06:29:2001 09:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH well Id say the "captan Team" could beat it... no i'm asking what team could possible lose to BH/IM/Cyke Posted by XDaNnYbOyEe on 06:29:2001 04:17 PM: how do i beat team watts?? Posted by Vonstar on 06:29:2001 05:02 PM: yeah, how can you beat jwong's team Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:29:2001 05:24 PM: Damn this thread is still going well im just posting so I dont get mail from this thread anymore. 1 more thing how you beat justin wongs team??? thats a very good question I would say commando but i guess somehow he finds a way around that? Posted by Sepehr on 06:29:2001 08:22 PM: best teams BH(a), storm(a), Cyc (b) Posted by RogueSquadron on 06:29:2001 08:50 PM: Rogue(Throw)/Sentinel(Ground)/Cammy(AA) Posted by Redcoldfire on 06:29:2001 10:59 PM: megaman/bh/spiral Posted by Geocide on 06:30:2001 12:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by dragonkahn sigh...almost everyone has that team. :/ anyways, BrazBH. My team is Spiral/Strider/Doom. So? If their effective, their effective... Posted by Psylocke_Rapist on 07:01:2001 08:25 AM: quote: then I picked Storm, Doom, and Commando... messed him up real bad. Then his team became Blackheart, Sentinel, Commando in that order. I couldn't get a single win... lost 8 in a row to be exact. Psssshhh, personally I'd use Servbot, Felecia, and Dan. But you should use Cable, Doom, and Sentinel for this strategy. Make sure you're on the second player side, when using the mas's. Build up your superbars and when he's not looking call out his helper with your pinky on your left hand and then pound on them. He'll never know what hit him. You gotta be slick tho. If you need me to teach you how to be slick, message me. I'm the Rapist and I'm out. Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:02:2001 04:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by Psylocke_Rapist Psssshhh, personally I'd use Servbot, Felecia, and Dan. But you should use Cable, Doom, and Sentinel for this strategy. Make sure you're on the second player side, when using the mas's. Build up your superbars and when he's not looking call out his helper with your pinky on your left hand and then pound on them. He'll never know what hit him. You gotta be slick tho. If you need me to teach you how to be slick, message me. I'm the Rapist and I'm out. Thats a really good tactic... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:02:2001 05:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Lol, I can quote you word for word, I already posted once with direct quotes, here it is again: Those are direct quotes (and my responses underneath) right there. Anyways, whatever. << quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For sentinal cable capcom I would use spiral/BH/cyke I d use spiral to keep the sentinal away and BH to run from cable... >> First of all, Sentinel is a good anti-Spiral character b/c his fierce and rocket punch knocks out Spiral's sword call, and Spiral can't teleport confidently b/c of his flying fierce. Secondly, the team Spiral/bh/cyke has no real team dynamics. What the heck is BH/cyke going to do with all the meter Spiral will build? BH can not cause damage or chip effectively in the "main level user" position. And BH/cyke can not (against a GOOD player or in theory fighter) run away from cable/capcom. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ...And its har dfor cable to deal with sentinal/commando rushdown... >>> of Sentinel's hardest matchups is against Cable/capcom. Even if sentinel has BH (his best assist) it's a hard ass fight. For one, sentinel can't do his standard trapping patterns with BH, b/c cable can AHVB after blocking the first hit of the inferno. And Sentinel has to be extremely wary of his spatial position in relation to Cable so he doesn't get smacked by the CC assist. quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- for the 1st team (sent,storm/cyc)your going to probobly use cable/Bh/commando use cable cuase he beats sentinal and BH with the capcom assist will stop storm from running or rushing...For the 2nd teama(BH, cyclops/CapCom/,Cable) Id use Mags to rush down BH but watch out for the capcom assist then to beat cyclops/commando Id use BH/cyclops.So the team would be Magneto/BH/cyclops...Hope it works... >>> Hm..., you contradicted yourself. In one post, you said cable has a hard time against sentinel, and in this post, you say sentinel has a hard time with cable/commando. Also what type of team dynamics does Mag/bh/cyclops have? it's not going to be very efficient when his cable/aaa comes into play. Also BH is the anti pixie. Mag is going to have a hard time against BH's jumping fierces. >>> Ok. the one time that I sed that cable has a hard time with sentinal is because there cable team had no AAA so sentinal could rsh it down.And why would you use cable AAA and risk all his life when all cable teams ar based around him... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:02:2001 05:08 AM: Re: best teams quote: Originally posted by Sepehr BH(a), storm(a), Cyc (b) sentinal/BH/commando.Use this team because Sentinal/BH canstop BH from jumpping and doing his RH airdash RH stuff.BH/commando can top storm from rushing down and runing away cause whenshe runs and tri to work up levels BH can do cylinder cancel HOD.And commando will stop her from rushing down.Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:02:2001 05:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by RogueSquadron Rogue(Throw)/Sentinel(Ground)/Cammy(AA) Well I guess that rouge will be usd fr rush down so your gonna need an AAA and te same with sentinal.So you could use sentinal/cable/capcom...Hope that helps... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:02:2001 05:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by Redcoldfire megaman/bh/spiral If that team is in that order its not that good cause BH/spiral isnt that good.So you could use spiral/sentinal/BH.Spiral can stop megs from throwing the fireballs.And sentinal can stop BH from going in the air and doing roundhoses.Hope I helped... Posted by CrazyMofo on 07:02:2001 05:33 AM: Jin Beta/Tron Gamma/Doom Beta Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:02:2001 05:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by CrazyMofo Jin Beta/Tron Gamma/Doom Beta Try sentinal/cable/capcom... Posted by MilkMan on 07:02:2001 08:06 AM: How about going against cable/magneto/cammy? Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:03:2001 04:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by MilkMan How about going against cable/magneto/cammy? Ahh teamjustin well I would use storm/cable/cyke and try to run away from mags to work up levels and hope that cable can do some good... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:03:2001 06:14 AM: Anything Else?... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:03:2001 01:19 PM: Spiral/Sent/Mags(capture), or Mags/Sent/Spiral Posted by XDaNnYbOyEe on 07:03:2001 03:09 PM: mag/cable/doom. how do u beat dis too good team? mag projectile cable antiair and doom antiair Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 07:03:2001 09:28 PM: mags/proj storm/proj cable/AAA Posted by Ryoku on 07:03:2001 10:04 PM: What teams counter these teams? mag-a sent-y psy-a doom-b blackheart-b cammy-a sent-y storm-y doom-b Posted by Jakuda on 07:03:2001 10:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Ahh teamjustin well I would use storm/cable/cyke and try to run away from mags to work up levels and hope that cable can do some good... hm... first of all, a team might be more effective if BH is at point b/c Magneto will be stalemated with BH's jumping fierces. BH = anti-pixie. Also as an assist Psylocke does better against Magneto b/c against a superior, fast magneto, his dashes will be faster than "forward moving" aaa, which means the assist will attempt to hit his cape/butt and miss. Psylocke is an assist that is able to hit behind, above, and a bit forward of your character. Also since the opponent is helpless until he hits the floor, Cable can get a guaranteed ahvbx3 (cable has to be a bit faster in reaction, but that can be practiced), while with Cyclops you can often only get one or two at most. So two teams you can try against team "justin" would be: BH/Cable/cc BH/cable/psylocke. or if you have the skills of viscant, you can use dhalsim, storm, sentinel and shutdown magneto and cable...but i'm guessing the previous two teams are easier... =) Posted by darkumas on 07:07:2001 04:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by magneto_x man help me with beating the team cable-doom-capcom You want help beating this team? get some fucking skillz you loser. better yet get your own damn skillz. DT Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:08:2001 05:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Spiral/Sent/Mags(capture), or Mags/Sent/Spiral In that order or in the order of siral/mags/sent and magneto/spiral/sentimal... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:08:2001 06:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by XDaNnYbOyEe mag/cable/doom. how do u beat dis too good team? mag projectile cable antiair and doom antiair You could se sent/BH/capcom because sent/capcom stops mags rush down and for cable use BH/capcom and just play smart like only do one super jump Round house cause if you do 2 he can hit you.Hope I helped... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:08:2001 06:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda hm... first of all, a team might be more effective if BH is at point b/c Magneto will be stalemated with BH's jumping fierces. BH = anti-pixie. Also as an assist Psylocke does better against Magneto b/c against a superior, fast magneto, his dashes will be faster than "forward moving" aaa, which means the assist will attempt to hit his cape/butt and miss. Psylocke is an assist that is able to hit behind, above, and a bit forward of your character. Also since the opponent is helpless until he hits the floor, Cable can get a guaranteed ahvbx3 (cable has to be a bit faster in reaction, but that can be practiced), while with Cyclops you can often only get one or two at most. So two teams you can try against team "justin" would be: BH/Cable/cc BH/cable/psylocke. or if you have the skills of viscant, you can use dhalsim, storm, sentinel and shutdown magneto and cable...but i'm guessing the previous two teams are easier... =) Ok.Wellits easy for mags to beat BH cause all you have to do is wait fr him to do his super jump RH and wave dash under it then super jump up and knock him down... Posted by Jakuda on 07:08:2001 08:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Ok.Wellits easy for mags to beat BH cause all you have to do is wait fr him to do his super jump RH and wave dash under it then super jump up and knock him down... I never said that BH should be all SJ RH's against magneto. BH does better with random j. fierces. Magneto has a hard time against a patient, intelligent BH. Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:16:2001 12:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda I never said that BH should be all SJ RH's against magneto. BH does better with random j. fierces. Magneto has a hard time against a patient, intelligent BH. Well most off the BHs that I see Are just people using BH/cyke jumping in shrt,frwrd land shrt ,frwd and calling cyke trying to do the infinite.But I know that that isnt althere is to him... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:16:2001 03:09 AM: Anything Else... Posted by DivineJudgement on 07:16:2001 07:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Anything Else... No bitch let this thread die Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:16:2001 07:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by DivineJudgement No bitch let this thread die Peace Nope Ill always keep it up... Posted by Geocide on 07:16:2001 09:48 PM: What about...Psylocke(r)/War Machine(a)/Guile(a)...just for the hell of it? O_o; Posted by DivineJudgement on 07:17:2001 07:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH Nope Ill always keep it up... Not if i stab you in the four head 45 times Peace Posted by Damage2001 on 07:17:2001 05:42 PM: Sent,Storm,Capcom Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:17:2001 09:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Geocide What about...Psylocke(r)/War Machine(a)/Guile(a)...just for the hell of it? O_o; HMMM...Im stumped on this one. Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:17:2001 09:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Damage2001 Sent,Storm,Capcom cable/sentinal/capcom.. Posted by Geocide on 07:17:2001 09:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH HMMM...Im stumped on this one. Come on. That wasn't the humorous response I was looking for. Posted by NerenatwaH on 07:17:2001 10:12 PM: Cable/Storm/AAA The team that beats all teams. No direct counter. Just need to be better than the person playing you. Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:18:2001 05:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Geocide Come on. That wasn't the humorous response I was looking for. Ok then use Spidey/gambit/Dhamslim and do this combo on psylok to kill her do lift call dhamslm AAA jump feirce webball(web ball combos cause they hit AAA)then you both land at the same time and do RH crawler assualt and at the last hit cancel into gambits Royal Flush.nd with gambit do lift call AAA feirce kinetic card (card hits cause AAA hits them)then do another feirce.There you go.. Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:18:2001 05:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by NerenatwaH Cable/Storm/AAA The team that beats all teams. No direct counter. Just need to be better than the person playing you. There is always a counter you could use sentinal/storm/capcom.And it all dependson their AAA like if its ken or cammy you cant rush it down andif its capcom you cant run... Posted by Jakuda on 07:18:2001 08:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH There is always a counter you could use sentinal/storm/capcom.And it all dependson their AAA like if its ken or cammy you cant rush it down andif its capcom you cant run... Against cable/storm/aaa? Sentinel at point? And what type of team dynamic is sent/storm/cap? Uh, didn't we go through this before? Just let the thread die. NOthing new is going to be asked or said. Posted by cheese_master on 07:18:2001 08:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by NerenatwaH Cable/Storm/AAA The team that beats all teams. No direct counter. Just need to be better than the person playing you. No there isn't a direct counter... but Mag/Storm/Psy, Spiral/Cable/Sent or Spiral/Sent/CC or Strider/Doom/Someone or Magneto/Storm/Doom or Doom/Storm/AAA all put a hurting on this scrub based team. And no... the bullshit trap is not gonna hold a descent player. Posted by Vonstar on 07:18:2001 08:27 AM: servbot/tron/megaman j/k nah, team jwong, mag/sent/capcom, doom/capcom/cable Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:18:2001 10:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Against cable/storm/aaa? Sentinel at point? And what type of team dynamic is sent/storm/cap? Uh, didn't we go through this before? Just let the thread die. NOthing new is going to be asked or said. Ok cali boy... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:18:2001 10:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vonstar servbot/tron/megaman j/k nah, team jwong, mag/sent/capcom, doom/capcom/cable Man servbot is good!!! Posted by Truedragon on 07:18:2001 11:17 PM: Any counter teams to team watts w/o using strider/doom? Posted by Deepthroat on 07:18:2001 11:25 PM: Russian Keep Away Magento A/Dr. Doom AAA/Psylocke AAA Posted by Dan3xcombo on 07:19:2001 12:35 AM: What about my team Guile(projectile) Thanos(launcher) Magneto(capture) I can do real good with each one of these people Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:19:2001 04:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by Deepthroat Russian Keep Away Magento A/Dr. Doom AAA/Psylocke AAA I played that team and when I lost it was usually when mags died so just get rid of mags and doom/psi dont cause a threat cause Doom rush down is not that good unless you practice it alot and find ways to get close like jump up airdash dowN+FRWRD shrt,frwrd... Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:19:2001 04:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Against cable/storm/aaa? Sentinel at point? And what type of team dynamic is sent/storm/cap? Uh, didn't we go through this before? Just let the thread die. NOthing new is going to be asked or said. When else do you play sent?...hes there to build up levels not to be used in a week ass spiral trap... Posted by Damage2001 on 07:20:2001 05:56 PM: u never did answer sent,storm,capcom. Posted by Glen1Rice on 07:20:2001 07:34 PM: Is there any place to play around Lancaster? The one on Park City always seems to be broke. Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 07:20:2001 09:00 PM: magz/proj cable/aaa psy/aaa sim/ground IM/aaa psy/aaa team white n how about magz/proj cable/aaa storm/proj Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 07:20:2001 09:07 PM: how bout magz/proj cable/aaa psy/aaa and cable/aaa doom/aaa cyke/aaa and magz/proj cable/aaa storm/proj Posted by Deepthroat on 07:20:2001 11:56 PM: Stirder (AAA Bird)/Dr.Doom AAA/ Black Heart AAA Posted by Jakuda on 07:21:2001 01:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH When else do you play sent?...hes there to build up levels not to be used in a week ass spiral trap... well duh. Everyone knows that. I'm asking why you specifically chose to counter cable/aaa at point with sentinel at point. You know, don't bother replying. THis thread is going on way too long. Nothing new or useful has been said for months. Posted by DivineJudgement on 07:21:2001 01:48 AM: Hey jeff what i your new SN e-mail it to me man thanx Peace Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:25:2001 06:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda well duh. Everyone knows that. I'm asking why you specifically chose to counter cable/aaa at point with sentinel at point. You know, don't bother replying. THis thread is going on way too long. Nothing new or useful has been said for months. I chose sentinal to beat there battery.. Posted by Orochi Setzuna on 07:25:2001 06:32 AM: Ok...beat this... Servebot/Roll/Dan Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 07:25:2001 06:39 AM:'s seriously not recommended for you to spam like that. And for the record, I say that team gets beat by Shuma-Gorath/Dan/Kobun. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by Vonstar on 07:25:2001 06:48 AM: what beats team watts All times are GMT. The time now is 09:33 PM. Show all 360 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.